The Daryl Vs Beta fight scene is among the best scenes of the entire show so far in my opinion.

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A well-paced episode and all round pretty fun.

The Highwaymen were an odd addition, though: no sooner had they been introduced as a credible threat then they were suddenly allies because they'd not seen a movie in forever? lol. As for Beta, I feel he's going to give Jason Voorhees a run for his money on the invincibility stakes!

Nevertheless, a fun episode.

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DOuble check if the beta was really dead? come on that zombie 101

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So over this show. I was never really a huge fan in the first place, never read the comic books and had no preconceptions of what this show was going to be when I watched the first episode, which I enjoyed. Now it seems all the best characters and storylines are gone and everyone is trying to kill each other off instead of creating a new world and peace among all. Now that Rick, Carl, Abraham, Jesus (ugh, how could they) are gone its so boring. Michone doesn't do much for me at all. Seems like Daryl and Carol are carrying the show now. I don't know how it all ends...don't want to know so know spoilers please. I just need to stop watching and let all you other die hard fans enjoy what's left.

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Yeah don't shoot the tall guy in the group, he couldn't be the beta. There's just no way that it's gotta be him. For a strongest guy he should be one of those skinny lil peeps. But I can't waste all of my arrows now can I?

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I'm happy for everybody who's enjoying this soft reboot so far, but personally, I just don't understand it.
This episode is a great example:

  • Problem: Some armed thugs want our stuff. Working with us isn't good enough and now they are getting ready for a suicide battle.
  • Solution: Wanna watch a movie lol?

  • Problem: A kill squad of your new enemies is sloooooowly marching towards your fortified position.
  • Solution: Let's just shoot one arrow through a random walkers head. Don't, under any circumstances, shoot the main thread, Beta! Getting nearly wiped out in a suicidal close combat situation is obviously the superior solution! Oh and checking if the guy I just kicked down one floor surely is completely dead. No need to check up on this!

The writing is just as bad as previous seasons. So this is it for me, I really tried to get into TWD again.

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I wonder what movie they'll watch.

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Henry needs to get laid. ASAP!

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I guess Alpha and Beta will not give up that easy. Beta is now VERY pissed off!

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I can't stand Henry, I hope he dies soon.

I do not find Beta intimidating at all

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Daryl, Connie, Henry and Lydia continue to run. They find an abandoned apartment building to hide out in hoping to draw out the Whisperers. Eventually the Whisperpers find them and make their way in to attack. Daryl and Beta get into an epic fight and Daryl pushes him down an elevator shaft and he doesn't die! Beta's pissed now!! The Kingdom hears of The Highway Men who threaten to disrupt the fair unless they follow a list of demands. Carol decides it's best to talk to them first before engaging in a fight. She tells them they have a movie projecter which seems to persuade them. Tara and her group are ambushed on the road by walkers and the Highway Men show up to help them. Back at the Kingdom, Carol and Tara worry about Daryl and Henry's whereabouts.

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BETA, are you kidding me ? No way !

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Shout by Aid45

Obviously the big fucking giant survived!

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