Review by TMRider

• This is, I think, maybe the only time Daryl made a stupid not in character a decision. A very stupid one. Because he's so good at what he does and he never saw Beta, I'll just assume he really couldn't tell who he is among the rest of the walkers. The show makes Beta stand out FOR US, so if you think about it, from above and with the dead walking so close together shooting alot of them just might be a wast of ammo.
• Movie can make peace to the world.
• Nice touch when the bitten guy who has been told by Beta "you'll always be one of us" really walked with them and was literally a guardian for Beta. And then Daryl shot his dead head. Because, Karma is and arrow(?).
"We'll have the higher ground." If only some one lost his hand this episode.
• A group with the American civil war uniform in the apocalypse. That's unique and cliche at the same time.
• Oooooooooo, that fight with the double weilding Bowie knives... A-mayzing!
TV teaching us time after time that if you're not a cop, falling into an elevator shaft is not that dangerous.

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