mannn this just pisses me off. rick could have used the proper side of the bat to bash negan’s head in, but instead, he used the butt of it to hit him in the chest for some reason??? what has happened to the logic of these characters?

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Is the baby from the outposts negans?

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Shout by gemma

carl??? are you fucking kidding??? man that sucks.

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Am I the only one who likes Carl? It Neagan I can't stand. What an averhyped character that is.

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It's about time producers had the intellect to realise that people watching this on video more or less get a radio show. All I have is a black screen

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I'm gonna go to Rick's, make a little spaghetti.

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Shout by Abdurrhman
BlockedParent2018-08-01T17:47:54Z— updated 2018-08-30T11:59:51Z


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YIIIIIIIIHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa!!!!!!!!!!! CARL IS GOING TO DIE !!!!!!!!!! Worst actor of the planet, worst actor of the world, worst in the entire GALAXY and far far away!!! PLEAAAAAAAASE DON'T come back as a friendly zombie

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whats going on?!
the walking dead has the worst storyline ever!
you start season 8 in the middle of a war!
episode 7 ends while negan men are surrounded by zombies then episode 8 start while niggan men are surrounder Rick's men!!
what happened in sanctuary and how they could get rid of zombies?
are the writers in a hurry and can't tell the story like what it should be?

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Shout by itachi

Back to square one.... -_-

Just one thing new came up : Carl's going to die :O. Finally ?

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Characters acting out of character is a big part of this episode and season.

They try to establish Carl as the moral compass this season but he’s previously been shown to be one of the few characters in recent years with a well balanced idea of the world.

There were opportunities to fight back. They don’t.

There were missed opportunities for characters to jump in and help. They don’t. Rick spending his time with the trash people instead of having him do a more extensive fight scene with Negan. And I fit one don’t like the junkyard people. For one, they have their own weird language when it’s only been 3 yrs in the apocalypse...not to mention how annoying they are and their lack of loyalty.

Carl was supposed to go on so his bite was like the final nail in the coffin. This season has had terrible scripts. And it felt flat. Like it was trying to be cool rather than focus on good storytelling. Nothing works.

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I mean, to be honest this was the best episode of this season (was not that difficult to top the others tho...). When the saviours are in charge things get a lot more interesting but this whole fight has been going on for too damn long.


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The title says it all

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Shout by Deleted

season 1-5 was good i had the feeling we move forward maybe find some answers.but from seas 6 were stuck,everything is boring and linear,a kill everybody thing.hello,wake up and do something you lose all wiewers

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The whole season all characters act like stupid idiots with far-fetched experience.

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Shout by Deleted


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I've bought a bottle of champagne in the anticipation of Carl's death. It's been a long time coming and should be celebrated as the death of a feckin useless character. Hopefully his zombified corpse will be despatched by Lucille! And burn the hat, then piss it out.

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Pouvez-vous m'aider en signant cette pétition ?

sign the petition for a new Showrunner

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I never thought that Carl's show was going to end like this...

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Thais show oficially jumped the shark.

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[spoiler]what a crappy ending and how many times have they had now to kill Negan? starting to just get boring[spoiler]

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I have no idea what is going on in this episode. What is the timeline here? Once again there attempt to build suspense with close ups and music has failed. HELP WANTED - New Showrunner

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Shout by ShoMok

It‘s just gotten plain stupid. No more words. Just sad. That show died with Glenn and hasn’t moved on from there. 1.5 seasons with not moving forward even the slightest. The only thing that gained some weight is Norman Reedus. That annoying dude Negan with his dull companions is so hard to endure. Killing off Carl? Dumbest decision. Rick getting his face bashed in again and runs..again. Can’t help but laugh about this parody it has become of itself.

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I've read all the comics and I'm someone who finds the show rather predictable, I didn’t think the show would be able to shock me anymore. And well.....I was wrong.....It shocked me.........But it's a bad kind of shock!!! Carl dying is the worst fucking thing Scott Gimple has done to this show. I'm pretty pissed off about this because now whatever hopes I had of the show emulating the comic are now GONE as I am. I'm officially done with this show. Thank you and fuck you Scott Gimple.

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Shout by david

This used to be my favorite show, but lately it's becoming more of a shit show. If only Rick weren't such a pussy and hit Negan harder in the head with his bat then it would all be over.Also, why the fuck kill Carl?! Are you kidding me?!

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one more slowmo montage of character face closeups and I'm officially done with this show

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Man, that sucks that they killed Neil. We really cared about that guy.

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I have mixed feelings about this episode. Rick could've easily killed Negan - more than once, mind you - so I'm not sure what went wrong there. And how much longer do we have to go back and forth with the Saviors-vs-everyone-else-plot line? It's getting annoying.
And what the hell happened to the junkyard people, where did they go missing in this episode? Have I not been paying attention??
And the ending? Found Carl annoying since ep.1, and now that the kid finally started to grow on me - that shit happens. Kinda had a feeling he got bitten when they encountered the walkers in the woods, but still... Not cool, AMC, not cool.
Like I said, mixed feelings. The episode had my attention the whole time, but left me confused and irritated at some moments.

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Picture was so dark I had to add some gamma to see that it was an another f*cked up episode.

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Shout by Ale
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-11T21:12:42Z— updated 2017-12-13T00:01:38Z

goodbye Carl, been a long journey.. rip

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I agree with the commenters with most likes here, this mid-season and episode sucked ass. How can they get one of the most eventful episodes so boring? There have been ambient music and close up faces in every episode this Fall. Booo-riiiiinggggg.

So many things wrong in this episode. How did Daryl, Dwight and the gang shoot everyone else except that woman who just happened to saw Dwight kill some Saviours? Rick just spent couple of episodes to bizarre convincing of Scavengers, then they just ran away? And what the fuck Enid, shoot on sight when seeing unarmed old woman, with super aiming in the dark? And so on...

There was a time I was really expecting the next episode and actually a bit frustrated with the time in between. But not any more. Today I'm just "meh, let's see if this is any better than the last" and less and less interested in the characters after seeing plot holes, off-scene obscurities, close up faces and the dumb people wandering around talking about irrelevant things...

Let's hope the rest of the season is better. Or I will be Negan soon.

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Aptly titled "the longest night" this episode brings you into the darkest recesses the Walking Dead can bring you. I'm glad this aired in wintertime cause I had a hard time seeing whatever was going on, whoever was shooting at who and who got killed or escaped.

I don't understand why this had to be at night but then again I don't understand 98% of this season and why things are happening as they are.

I'll refrain from again talking about the stupidity of ALL the characters and decisions that are made. I'm sad to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan waste his talent and character on them. During the whole episode the one thought was "Just kill them, just kill them all!"

Carl finally redeemed himself a bit by giving Negan a nice "in your face" speech but then that what happened apparently happened... so yeah.

I'd love to have been behind-the-scenes and see whoever made the decision to do every single thing they did and will do this season, see themselves clap for the awesomeness they would show on screen -sarcasm- or maybe just say "fuck it".

The final decision to stop watching the show increases.

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Is there a writer in the house?

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Shout by tiagoaph

I want to say that I really liked this episode, but that wouldn't be totally true. It was obviously the best one since the season started, however there are so many bad decisions by the writers, not only in terms of plot but especially characterisation. Every single person in this show has been dumbed down since Negan's first appearance, I think the only one for whom that did not happen was Carl, and look where that got him. For the last two seasons his character has clearly improved, if only for actually being the only rational person among all of the group... so let's kill him off!

This show keeps getting more frustrating with each episode, I keep watching it because, like mostly everyone else, I've invested too much time in to only drop it now.

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Shout by Sames

Finally he is gone, was about time!!

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Shout by Wéjih M'zoughi
BlockedParent2017-12-11T10:19:03Z— updated 2017-12-12T17:37:14Z

Oh hell naahhhh! This is some bullshit right here!
Also, why didn't Rick hit Negan really hard with the bat? You're waiting for a long time to kill the bastard, and then it's like you're tickling him. A girl would've hit harder than that. WTF!

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What the hell? Did they kill Carl off already? I thought he'll probably be the last one to die.

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Shout by Matt

I've kept watching in anticipation for comic plot-lines, but this latest death ruins all hopes I have that this show will live up to what it once was. Fuck Scott Gimple. Fuck AMC. I'm out.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-12-11T05:10:55Z— updated 2017-12-12T15:55:51Z

Finally someone of importance dies on this show! The only one from this "all out war" and it was a walker bite. I'm kinda glad Carl is gone but really, an off screen bite. He is an original character you could of done better. I really hope next half of the season doesn't have a crazy Rick storyline.

Thank God the saviors finally started fighting back. Hopefully now it will be a little more interesting. They only killed some random Neil (hey it my name, kind of) but Maggie isn't messing around. She shows she at least has some balls.

And please stop with the close up on people faces and then dissolves into someone else's face.

Hopefully the next half will not go so out of order and will be entertaining based on the Saviors ability to actually fight back. This half season really suffered because it was just Rick's group making mistake after mistake while the Saviors just sat around.

Oh and I thought this was a show about zombies. There was like one shot of zombies and it felt so forced. They must of felt obligated to put that in.

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