Characters acting out of character is a big part of this episode and season.

They try to establish Carl as the moral compass this season but he’s previously been shown to be one of the few characters in recent years with a well balanced idea of the world.

There were opportunities to fight back. They don’t.

There were missed opportunities for characters to jump in and help. They don’t. Rick spending his time with the trash people instead of having him do a more extensive fight scene with Negan. And I fit one don’t like the junkyard people. For one, they have their own weird language when it’s only been 3 yrs in the apocalypse...not to mention how annoying they are and their lack of loyalty.

Carl was supposed to go on so his bite was like the final nail in the coffin. This season has had terrible scripts. And it felt flat. Like it was trying to be cool rather than focus on good storytelling. Nothing works.

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