This nonsense needs to stop.

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I hated the stupid children in TWD, now they made a whole series with children:joy:. Please don’t waste your time on this one. Deleted it immediately

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oh no.... ohhhh noooo... This is so bad!
It should be called "The bored to death"
Because that is how I felt after watching this.

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well after the firsts eps I must say what a load of crap

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This has to be the end of the franchise, truly awfull from the first episode. I know they are trying for a younger audience but whoever thought this one up really needs to look at a new career. For me TWD main series failed in some ways because it forgot that viewers like the "road trip' aspect of different locations and scenes of dystopia. This new series seems to have that aspect but lacks any credibility with pantomime lead characters and cliched stereotypes. Sorry, one episode was enough for me.

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I was looking forward to this as it's the walking dead but omg what a pile of shit

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how did this junk get a second season???????????????????????????????

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Oh no! It sounds like there are going to be some pretty heavy ties to the main series in season 2. They are obviously doing this in an effort to force people to watch this load of garbage. For shame!

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The script writing is offensively bad. I can't help but watch to see how much worse it can get.

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The Walking Dead meets the CW production team....
It could've been better
I can see it's aimed towards a teen demographic but its sort of wimpy storyline isn't holding my attention like the other two main series... Definitely should be aired on CW :person_shrugging_tone3::female_sign:

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Zombies would be better writers and actors. I'm not sure how this is rated 6.5 instead of 0.0.

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Okay, I'm going to get to the point... This show sucks!!
How can a show start this bad, and continue!
I was rooting for the zombies kill of this 4 pack and the two lagging behind.
And more surprising there's a season 2.
Just don't bother... I'm pretty sure it was watching this show in the first place that created the zombies.
1/10 for tyre fire.

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Shout by Jo David
BlockedParent2020-12-02T22:16:06Z— updated 2020-12-05T09:17:46Z

if they're thinking of doing a second season, they're going to have to hire excellents writers and increase the budget!

But there is hope and Nico Tortorella...

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Is it too early to pull a "Fear the Walking Dead" and kill the entire original cast and replace them with totally new characters? I know Fear still have a few OG cast members left, but in this case we can make an exception and get rid of all of them.

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Not worth watching, please kill them off one at the time and end the show

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3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’:

  1. It was an interesting idea to have the main characters in a Walking Dead spinoff be younger. Unfortunately, it’s these characters that make this series a tough watch (aside from Elton). The acting chops just aren’t there. But the cringe often is. And it feels like the creators realize this as the spotlight shifts off them a bit more towards the end.

  2. Iris and Silas may be the worst characters ever in the Walking Dead universe. May we never see them again.

  3. Plot-wise, you may often find yourself scratching your head, wondering what the point of this limited series is. It presents some interesting ideas as to what else is going on beyond the legacy TWD characters and worlds we already know. But the story felt lazily strung together and we aren’t thrown much in the realm of anything particularly compelling.

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This is horribly bad TV in every aspect.
DO NOT waste your time with this! The production expenses should have been spent on other things than this. 2/10 is really a FAIR evaluation for this show.

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Thank you Jadis. You made the last few episodes watchable.

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They made a 2nd season?!?!?!

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Don't spend your time in this rubish!

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The Walking Dead: Less Dead, More Walking. Don't get me wrong, I'm very much in favor of the Walking Dead universe being expanded, and I will continue to watch anything TWD related because I'm a massive fan. With that being said, I totally understand what is attempting to be accomplished here, and I respect the message(s) as well as the entire team / cast, but it's not well done at all in my personal opinion. There's nothing "World Beyond" about this installment whatsoever. It's simply a soft version of The Walking Dead starring young adults, terrible role models, nonsensical decision making, mediocre scripting, and nearly emotionless acting. I will never hope for something to fail so I truly hope that the second season goes in a different direction.

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Here's the thing.

If you like The Walking Dead and Fear The Walking Dead, then you might also enjoy this series. It gives us another point of view of the zombie apocalypse.
On the other hand, if you don't like either or both of the other shows - then you'll definitely not enjoy this.

The new cast (mostly kids - or 20 somethings acting as teenagers) are a little annoying and take some getting used to. The story is a bit slow as well. But as I mentioned above it's fun to see the zombie apocalypse from a different point of view and it seems to be filling in some missing pieces from the other shows as well.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Based on the other two Walking Dead series, you'd think the world was extremely dangerous, and life was cheap, but apparently not in the World Beyond. Some smart but common sense-less YAs journey off on an extremely dangerous trip with zero plan at all. The limits of credulity are stretched thin by the end of the first season. I mean, I'm a fan of TWD and I'll keep watching, but I wish it just wasn't as painful as it is.

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I am a Walking Dead fan, and fear and walking dead, had shitty seasons but with is crap other 9000.

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The show is not worth watching! Please kill off huck, and the rest one at the time , and then get better actors and writers!

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Show sucks! Please kill off huck

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can it get any worse or will it get better with the the latest reports the Rick Grimes is coming into the show

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Echoing - Ths is really, really bad. It trys to be all things for all people and fails massively. Its a steaming pile, wrapped in Emo.

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Wanted to like it but the acting was so bad we couldn't continue. Avoid. Seems targeted at a younger audience so that may be part of it.

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First episode was bad. Second a lot better. I want to like this show, and part of me does a little.
The plot seems really good.
I like the idea of the kids who have no idea what they are doing.
I feel the main issue is how the show seems to drag.

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This is really a zombie franchise. It has been dead for years but it keeps coming back again and again.

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this is BAD. but I give every show 3 episodes to hook me in. I don't see this getting better, hopefully it proves me wrong

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This show was useful because it gives us a lot of information about the CRM. By the end of season 2, what they're doing will influence what Rick's doing in The Ones Who Live.

That being said, S1 was so bad, I just watched it at 1,6x speed. The parts after the credits were far more interesting than the series itself.

For S2, I barely had to do that. The writing was tighter and so much more information came forward it became interesting. I did skip almost all the teen's drama and dialogs though, since Iris's acting just brought the whole thing down and irritated me. It's like She decided to act even worse than she was in S1. Hope was the only one who could really act and I became fond of Silas and even Elton.

Whatever, I got through it and it makes me understand The Ones Who Live far better.

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God this show is boring.

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Really bad, bad and bad. One of the worst shows that I've ever seen.

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Iris & Hope are two of the most useless characters on this show. When are they gonna learn to kill a walker?

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Have they covered all the representation bases needed for a modern show?

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Hey please fix air dates!!!! I can watch episode 5 on Friday 30 October instead 2 November! On Amazon Prime!!!!!!!!!

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The Walking Crap: Horrible Beyond

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Hasn't got a lot - if anything - going for it.

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okay so i will start by saying that this isnt everyones type of walking dead but for me i must say i really enjoy it theres good story and action i love the characters too and not a bad plot its also good for halloween as the fact of zombeis i recommend it

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Why would anyone watch this??? They really need to kill The Walking Dead franchise. There are so many great TV shows that no one should be subjected to this nonsense.

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I love everything zombie-related....even the crappy ones!

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