3 Thoughts After Completing ‘The Walking Dead: World Beyond’:

  1. It was an interesting idea to have the main characters in a Walking Dead spinoff be younger. Unfortunately, it’s these characters that make this series a tough watch (aside from Elton). The acting chops just aren’t there. But the cringe often is. And it feels like the creators realize this as the spotlight shifts off them a bit more towards the end.

  2. Iris and Silas may be the worst characters ever in the Walking Dead universe. May we never see them again.

  3. Plot-wise, you may often find yourself scratching your head, wondering what the point of this limited series is. It presents some interesting ideas as to what else is going on beyond the legacy TWD characters and worlds we already know. But the story felt lazily strung together and we aren’t thrown much in the realm of anything particularly compelling.

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