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The Handmaid's Tale 2017


Shout by Deleted

I loved it! Can't wait for the next episodes.

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Scarier than many horror movies nowadays! Amazing does not describe the greatness of this piece! It is almost unbelievable that is inspired by a book of '85! Can't wait for season two!

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This show is one of the best shows I've seen. Absolutely loved it.
The script is amazing, and the acting is totally on point. I could almost feel like I was living the story.
Can't wait for the next season

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Shout by Deleted

The story is dark and bleak and frankly scary in the context of this administration but casting is superb and direction keeps it tight and intense - best series of the year for me.

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It is taking everything in me not to start Season 4!!!! I refuse to wait for new episodes though... I’m not watching until I can binge the whole thing!!!!!! This will be hard Lol

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I read the book that this show is based on sometime ago and I remember absolutely hating it. It was so boring and I just couldn't care for the characters.

When it comes to the show those things could not be more wrong. This show has a cast of compelling characters and storylines. It can make you invested, though slightly weirded out in places. To see Aunt Lydia's character redemption was truly amazing, the same can be said for Serena. Casting Elizabeth Moss as June was such an amazing decision as she truly shined and I think going forward I will always see her as the handmaid turned hero that this show helped her become.

I will forever be recommending this to people, I can't wait for the sixth and final season when that comes out.

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Great series, I just finished watching season 4 and it's amazing how June evolves throughout the series. Waiting for the fifth season. Highly recommended.

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As Im seeing in comments, most of the people who have watched The Handmaid's Tale, have not read the book. Because if they had read, they would not find the serie slow and boring to watch. Most of the events in the book takes place earlier in the serie. Also, I want to say that I find the serie as one of the most accurate and successful book adaptation. The story is sad even more, tragic and terrifying but still very engrossing, at least in my opinion. The cinematography and the selection of the soundtracks are somewhat magnificient and well-fitting. It is a feminist dystopian story. I suggest that you should first read the book. If you like 1984, Brave New World, Hunger Games, Divergent or similar dystopian topics, I think you would like it. But I should also warn you, the story is uncanny and disgusting yet thought-provoking and something that might happen in the future. Ahh, I also forgot to mention Persepolis. If you liked it, I strongly believe that you would also love that book/ animation.

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A terrifying vision of an incredible story. Brilliantly filmed and awesome characters and plotline.

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One of my favorite shows of all time. I love these dystopian plots, especially ones like this that are extra dark and syndical. This follows the US in the future where a radical religious group has taken over the US government in a time where the amount of new borns being born is way down so people are put into different factions almost manor type from the medieval age. More importantly it follows a woman in the midst of it who slowly becomes the leader of the revolt. It starts off slow, but quickly becomes up beat and more violence and action take place. The plot buildup, twists and character development is incredible. The acting, especially from the lead actress is phenomenal.

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Excellent portrayal of a dystopian society where everyone is being watched and judged by someone. It questions morals and really delves into the utter evilness of some people! It shows what happens when people are pushed and abused to the breaking point and the individuals shear strength and fortitude to resist.

Elisabeth Moss is brilliant as the protagonist with some absolutely amazing acting. I am really looking forward to the next season.

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It's like every show based on a book!
At some point the directors, writers, ect. had to take a turn away from the source and to create their own sequels, stories, etc. Of course, they have Margaret Atwood as a consultant all the time (I hope, this is her vision of the world... her own world)
Overall, I love the show! All three seasons! Can't wait to watch the next one!
The drama is freezing you in your seat. When June had her victories it's a celebration for everyone who is a human being! Really, love that adaptation and Elizabeth Moss and co. are amazing! One of the best TV casts ever!

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best series of today, this second season managed to keep on the level of the first this is incredible. The universe that the series created and expanded is wonderful. The photography and the performances are impeccable.

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A heart warming tale of a nation coming together for the greater good and some tender love making scenes only add to the Handmaid's new sweet life

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Set in a dystopian future, a woman is forced to live as a concubine under a theonomic dictatorship. A TV adaptation of Margaret Atwood's novel. INTJ Keywords: Drama, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Dystopian, Apocalypse, Futuristic, Political.

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fans of the mystery / suspense genre will have a blast with this show, the plot is intriguing and over all the created do a good job of keeping you at the edge of your seat

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Commander Lawrence in season 5. If I was in this forsaken reality, I'd hope to be as witty as him. At least he tries to outthink the monsters of Gilead.

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It took me a while to watch it all after just watching the first episode 3 years ago, but now that I have binge on the 3 seasons I have no regrets. from the cast to the story line and the acting this is a masterpiece and I can't wait for a season 4... Please Hulu make a season 4.
This is a brillant show and for those whom start watching it, wait until the 3rd episode and you WILL BE HOOKED!!

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Shout by Deleted

Dark! With a lot of "Whaaaat the fuuuukc!?" moments!

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A really good show, based on a book & previously a film, this update is well worth a watch an will no doubt win some awards along the way

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A show for anyone who archaically thinks women are only good for one thing.

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What a quandary - I'm feeling the same conflicts about this series that I had for the book. It's bleak, it's intense social surgery, it is a dark portent, it was a departure for Margaret Atwood when she wrote it, and, although it should feel completely at home in our current dystopia drenched media-verse, it's just a tad off kilter here, as well. I give it a 7 (good) out of 10, for it truly is good, but it unveils itself slowly, is stark in it's characters and sparse in it's environment. One might say the truth it holds to it's themes is why it is good - I'm still puzzling it out. Fantastic cast, however - some of my favourite performers. So, a hesitant recommendation, set among the high praise of others who have reviewed it on Trakt TV.

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A must watch show, just brilliant

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Original, exciting and terrifying.
Series with coherent, connecting episodes.

Storyline quality: 8/10

Pretty slow some places of season 2 and 3, just keep dragging it out with show stoppers and unnatural character twists. This presents scenes that are excruciatingly boring to watch. So far I'm really enjoying season 4, though!

Characters: 10/10

Originality: 10/10

It's so awesome.

###Acting, directing and technical quality: 9/10
So something weird happened here in Season 3, where everything got really abstract in terms of directing, and it seems like they are trying way too hard on the artsy-fancy-pancy in season 3. Season 3 gets 5/10 for the weird directing attempts (acting still really good).

###Progression first season: 8/10
Season 2 and 3 gets 5/10.

###Plot agility: 7/10
The plot changes slowly between the seasons, but in season 3 it all kinda fell down after a while.
I decided to give season 4 a shot, and so far so good.

###Other scores
Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): 9/10
Drama: 9/10

(Please like comment if helpful, and I'll keep writing them this way)

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a visual stunning and wonderful Distopian-Feminist Drama where Freedom, Faith, Love, Tension and Power play mix very well. The story is a bit flat with a conflict sometimes too forced but most of the show is really well directed and acted. Some Episodes seems slow but when a great Episode end i always think this is one of the best shows of all times.

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I always appreciate a show that creates its whole world, sets its vibe & history consistently.

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The first season follows the book and hits hard with the drama to really capture the hardships that June faces as a Handmaid. Some scenes feel drawn out, but for the most part the plot progresses and we get some good world building throughout.

Season two presents events after the book and this is where I believe the writers really showed their shortcomings. The writing gets lazier, the plot comes to a standstill which makes me question whether increasing the number of episodes to 13 was really a good idea, and the season finale fizzles out predictably.

Hats off to the cinematographer though. There are a lot of absolutely gorgeous scenes in this show.

8/10 - Season 1
6/10 - Season 2

Probably won't be touching season 3 this summer.

Post Note: Every song with vocals in this show feels really off and contrasts sharply to the eerie, ambient vibe they are trying to go for.

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I quit watching after some episodes in season 2. Boring.

Season 1 was awesome tho.

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It's definitely a well made show with some great performances but, while it started out very strong, the last several episodes have left me feeling like they could have tightened up the story a bit and made this an 8 episode run. Too much dead space between beats, at times. Still, it's a quality show overall and among the better things on television right now. One episode left - hoping they stick the landing.

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Just finished S5 and had to reduce my rating from 8 to 7 - I'm afraid that additional seasons will just continue to reduce my overall perception of the show. Sometimes less is more, and this show (as well as Westworld) is a case in point for that

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boring, slow moving and does not offer more than some shocker moments. the hype for this show is unjustified, imho

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Shout by FixedState

I found this show compelling yet challenging. It isn’t an easy watch and often has me feeling crap after watching an episode. So why do I keep watching? This is a question I haven’t been able to answer.

Season one is well written, however it took me most of it to realise it wasn’t going to get to end happily.

Season two opened the world up a bit more but leant heavily into how futile the struggle was. Despair would find a new depth with each episode.

Season three has a greater sense of optimism however, after watching the previous two seasons I feel like I should know better than to hope for a truly positive outcome. Time will tell.

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Probably the slowest tv series ever seen. You could easily watch it at 2x speed (even 4x) without realizing the difference.
Some episode are endless... you just go on hoping something exciting will happen....
Overall: incredibly boring!!

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I really wanted to like this and the message it is sending, and it just bored.

Also, Elizabeth Moss seems an odd casting choice. As dark and twisted a dystopian future that this portrays, for Scientologists, it's Tuesday.

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utter crap after first season

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Wow, really? Another chance to portray Christians as the evil oppressive type.

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So incredibly boring.

The plot hadn't moved the first 4 episodes.

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Save yourself the trouble and just let a miserable feminist try and convince you she's being oppressed from a pulpit in the public square. The show provides nothing new or exciting either, while the subliminal narrative it attempts to drive forward with gets old and tiresome with the times.

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Shout by abetancort
BlockedParent2018-06-22T01:35:06Z— updated 2020-02-05T00:39:38Z

I wonder if the show tries to be a visual dissertation on ethics, sociology, economics, political issues or what, because it fails miserably to go beyond a less than failed and simplistic reinterpretation of a few well known periods of human history: the slavery period in the southern US, the various Jew pogroms – particularly the holocaust, and the eugenics movements in the US and Nazi Germany. Their efforts to create a new reality failed miserably becoming just a caricature without much sense of aforementioned periods.

Nor I understand the extremely low pace it has with storyline so obvious. I only watched a pair of seasons because my partner “liked” it, don’t ask me why. By the way the purple gowns drive me crazy, they all seem cardinals.

For me it isn’t worth the time I wasted watching it. I don’t about the book, but for what I watched of the tv-serie I would most probably file it in the trashcan (with everything else that I should never have read).

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So so so boring and the camera spends so much time too close the the leads face!

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One of the most unsettling series, lots of opression and humiliation without a tiny bit of relief or meaningful hope. Very unpleasant annoying to watch.

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This is why feminism can't be ignored, banalized or underrated. Don't be mistaken because it is classified as a Sci-Fi, this is real life. We are living in 2017, but we all know that, unfortunately, it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

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It's a beautiful looking show but it takes forever before anything happens. It's getting harder to watch with each episode. I was hoping season 2 would be better but it's worse.

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It seems like this entire story stems from one woman (Serena) being so baby-crazy that she sells out her entire sex to fundamentalist Christians...

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Considering, well, the state of the country and the world, The Handmaid’s Tale was a wrecking ball coming straight for your gut. Coupled with the fact that it’s set in Cambridge/Boston, where I live, it felt genuinely terrifying to me. I had read the book back in high school, but had forgotten much of the details. Incredible performances (Alexis Bledel and Samira Wiley!!!) really make the terror of it all really sink in.

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I hoped the last season would be the conclusion because this is getting old. There is only so much I can take of the main characters blank stares.

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Shout by Cancer Man
BlockedParent2022-09-14T09:21:19Z— updated 2022-09-29T19:32:03Z

Beautiful utopian story about a world where women can pursue their dreams of childbirth, cooking and housework without a fear of prosecution.
I rate it "how to have a child without gaining weight" out of ten.

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For those in canada it will be on Bravo April 30

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I love the show, but June character is one of the most dumb, idiot, annoying, selfish, inconsequent I've ever seen. Every scene she's on I get this urge to shut down the TV. Almost all the accomplishments she has are purely based on luck and the mind numbly ability of the writers to plot armor her, especially in the 3rd and 4th seasons where you see tons, and tons of situations where she should have been cleared be killed or captured, and the writers decided that is more convenient to annoy us a little bit more with her presence.

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Love this series. It can really make you feel uncomfortable at parts, but I think that’s the point. It’s supposed to be shocking and kind of scary. Season 4 has been a whole journey and we aren’t even close to the finale.

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I hoped the last season would be the conclusion because this is getting old. There is only so much I can take of the main characters blank stares.

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I love it so much

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Trying hard to get into this because of all of the accolades. However finding it very very very slow and very try hard in the subject matter. Seems to be an attempt at shock and awe but is falling very flat.

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can I watch this even if I hate alexis bledel?

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This is one of the best shows iv ever watched and Elisabeth moss is brilliant

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Brings back memories of the good ole days!

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How can a show be so horrible yet so visually beautiful at the same time? Every single shot in every episode is a work of art.

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Honestly the show would be so much better without it wasting our time with episodes 1 to 6. Episode 7,8,9 and 10 are somehow the only ones worth watching, you don't even miss out of any important plot points if you skip the first 6 shitty episodes. 4/10

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WOW I loved season 1 left open for another season.

Please renew this series

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