Shout by Andreas Storvik Strauman

The Handmaid's Tale 2017

Original, exciting and terrifying.
Series with coherent, connecting episodes.

Storyline quality: 8/10

Pretty slow some places of season 2 and 3, just keep dragging it out with show stoppers and unnatural character twists. This presents scenes that are excruciatingly boring to watch. So far I'm really enjoying season 4, though!

Characters: 10/10

Originality: 10/10

It's so awesome.

###Acting, directing and technical quality: 9/10
So something weird happened here in Season 3, where everything got really abstract in terms of directing, and it seems like they are trying way too hard on the artsy-fancy-pancy in season 3. Season 3 gets 5/10 for the weird directing attempts (acting still really good).

###Progression first season: 8/10
Season 2 and 3 gets 5/10.

###Plot agility: 7/10
The plot changes slowly between the seasons, but in season 3 it all kinda fell down after a while.
I decided to give season 4 a shot, and so far so good.

###Other scores
Intensity (cliffhangers, edge of seat and the like): 9/10
Drama: 9/10

(Please like comment if helpful, and I'll keep writing them this way)

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