Review by ayushikon1

The Handmaid's Tale 2017

I'm starting Season 4, and I felt like I wanted to write out my thoughts regarding the last 3 seasons of this show. As a whole, I would first like to praise and applaud the creators, writers, producers, crew members, actors, actresses, and all the other components that made this show work. Now, I would like to say that this show probably is one of the best I've ever watched. It's an impeccable and heart-wrenching interpretation of the dystopian genre. I don't consider myself overly political, but this show brings up interesting questions and implications. But, the beauty of this show can be boiled down to the believable and immersive world that this show brings to life. I was genuinely engaged and horrified by the norms of Gilead, and this incredible setting is heightened by immaculate performances from Elisabeth Moss and the other actors/actresses. Here is an overview of my thoughts regarding each season.

Season 1: 10/10
- For myself, this show had an incredible opening episode. I was immediately engaged in this dystopian world, with horrific practices that are seen as "normal." Throughout this season, we see Offred (Elisabeth Moss) experiencing life as a Handmaid. The incorporation of flashbacks, her past life, and other scenes was interwoven seamlessly, providing a stark contrast from normal life to Gilead, which can be generally described as a theocratic dystopian regime. Overall, this was a strong season marked by haunting images and immaculate acting.

Season 2: 10/10
- This season was a continuation of Season 1, and I was not disappointed by the new twists and turns that engulf Offred's life. We see the complexities of the other characters, such as Mrs. Waterford, come to life in this season. It's really surprising, but even with the Commanders and their Wives, they should be the most hateable characters but come off as simply humans, who are irredeemable, but humans stuck in a lose-lose situation. It was a tense and nuanced season, yet this heightens the experience as a whole. Furthermore, I have to say that for this specific season, Elisabeth Moss was incredible. Her acting was top-notch and heart-wrenching. In the end, you will not be disappointed by this work.

Season 3: 9/10
- I loved this season, but it was the one where certain directions are taken that make some aspects feel convoluted. I won't comment on the overarching theme of this show, but it's probably the one I was most hyped for. Imagine someone standing up to their oppressors and performing a feat that was nearly impossible. Just saying, the ending for this season confirms that this show is still amazing.

Season 4: N/A

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