Shouts about...

The Expanse: Season 1

1x04 CQB

That was a strong episode. Some genuine excitement and one real shock moment. It helped that it devoted most of its time to one story thread rather than jumping around all the time. There was also some real emotion for the characters at long last.

I think I quite liked the Martian Navy, they actually seemed like decent people. A nice mystery is now fully set up as to who the mysterious attackers are and what their goal is.

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I am intrigued to see how this will continue but I can't shake the feeling I've seen all this before. Maybe in parts of one show/movie, or cobbled togehter from different ones. I can't put my finger on it.

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Shout by Akash Sharma
BlockedParent2018-07-11T13:10:33Z— updated 2018-07-12T17:19:20Z

Totally Epic! I am amazed by this show. This show gave me chills.

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The have been show off, and they screwed up

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Ok, this show just went from "pretty cool" to "amazing". I enjoyed this show, but I just fell in love with this show.

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The science in this show is getting a little ridiculous. For one, who is their right mind would think it's a good idea to have guns as weapons in space? Not only could it cause a fire on board (fire in space = bad), it could also cut a hole in the ship. And the entire "sealing" of other holes in this episode didn't make sense either. If the vacuum of space is sucking everything out because of the pressure difference, the sealant she applies would just be sucked out too. Unless it's a super high tech future composite or something I guess. Still, if you can suspend disbelief in these technical aspects, still enjoying it. I won't put it on par with BSG (early seasons), but better than some of the other sci-fi shows to come out recently.

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Shout by Gloom8

Called it! Policeman is alive.
On the other hand, I did not expected that they would kill comedic relief after saving him for some odd reason a couple of episodes ago. You win some, you lose some.

I love almost everything and everyone in this show, but I'm afraid that it gonna turn into Aliens. Could it be time travel or wormhole to some 3rd power force or something like that? I would prefer that big time.

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Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-07-02T20:38:30Z— updated 2021-07-07T11:08:11Z

Great action! Those CQB (close quarter battle) scenes where so awesome! The torpedos are already cool but the PDCs (point defense cannons) are even cooler and the railguns are obviously cool as well (although there where only two shots or so of them firing).

Now I finally remember what happened to Shed (the medic). I was already wondering about that because I didn't remember him so he shouldn't've been around for long. When they strapped in I started to remember but his death was still more brutal than I thought :o
"Everything's going to be okay, okay? This is going to calm you right down. Trust me, we're all going to be just fi..."

The final escape scene in the beautiful and high-tech M.C.R.N Tachi ship was so awesome! :)

Also: It was kinda fun that the (fake) ID of the person scanned at the morgue had also German translations (which is quite unexpected as that language might not even be around anymore by then but who knows, maybe there's a reason for it). Anyway, as a German I did like that :D

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Episodes 3 and 4 aired on the 16th please fix this error

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