Shout by Dahj Asha

The Expanse: Season 1

1x04 CQB


Shout by Dahj Asha
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-07-02T20:38:30Z— updated 2021-07-07T11:08:11Z

Great action! Those CQB (close quarter battle) scenes where so awesome! The torpedos are already cool but the PDCs (point defense cannons) are even cooler and the railguns are obviously cool as well (although there where only two shots or so of them firing).

Now I finally remember what happened to Shed (the medic). I was already wondering about that because I didn't remember him so he shouldn't've been around for long. When they strapped in I started to remember but his death was still more brutal than I thought :o
"Everything's going to be okay, okay? This is going to calm you right down. Trust me, we're all going to be just fi..."

The final escape scene in the beautiful and high-tech M.C.R.N Tachi ship was so awesome! :)

Also: It was kinda fun that the (fake) ID of the person scanned at the morgue had also German translations (which is quite unexpected as that language might not even be around anymore by then but who knows, maybe there's a reason for it). Anyway, as a German I did like that :D

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@dahj late to the party, I was surprised to recognise my language Russian in the morgue scene, too.
Creators are pretty optimistic, indeed. I only expected to find Chinese, Hindi and English in that universe;)

p.s. currently learning German, btw. Consistent spelling and pretty similar rules are the true blessing.
Don't sell your language so short.
