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The Boys 2019

Gee wonder if somebody was inspired by a certain 2020 event? You know the one happened in the states? Anyways great allegory for that whole mess and pretty fucking funny to be honest. Oh, and if you have a fucking problem with my fucking language then don't fucking watch this show because I'm actually being pretty fucking PG right now comparatively speaking.

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Weird how he got these horn thingys in his own movies.

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this show man it gave everything and more

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I love the premise of this show. It’s different and refreshing. Totally unusual and unexpected. I can’t get enough.

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why people say this is better as gen v...gen v is better but this is staying on my list also but gen v is mor inproppiate i like

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I'll give it a 9 because it's SUPErb haha get it

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Super I love it! Very funny,dark funny and it's brilliant!!!

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fucking diabolical :moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai: must watch

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I don't really care for superheroes, but in a world like this it's fun. Just to see the dark humor behind it all is great to see.

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The Boys is the most unique live action show I’ve ever had the pleasure to view. 10/10 :star:

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God this was exhausting, it drags and drags, we get it superheroes are bad guys, blood and guys, loooooooong episodes with bizarre sex and stuff.

Let me say this I’m not crapping on the violence or the sex, it’s just not done tastefully and it just won’t stop. I lost interest half way through season one and I am just incapable of stopping midway through.

It’s basically torture

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The best way to describe this series is: Bold and unapologetic. In today's film/serie landscape, The Boys is a breath of fresh air, not afraid to take risks. In cas you hadn't figured it out yet, it's great. Go watch it!

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t'was good for the first season. went downhill after that. hughie is the worst.

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I really hope this show doesn't last more than five seasons. Eight episodes and eight hours of content in the most recent season yet I feel like nothing of consequence really happened by the end. It just seems like the show is spinning its wheels a bit at the moment.

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You will instantly understand what kind of show this is after a few minutes of watching, trust me. And it gets wilder by the minute.

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Top 10 tv show, way better then that walking dead trash

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This show has lots of disgusting gore, but not even all that blood and guts cannot compete with the dairy fetish.

I rate it "don't milk the MILF" out of ten

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Over the show starts of great and then lands in mediocre with some great episodes to keep you going. Nothing so ever bad but also doesn’t live up to the promise. Plots just go in circles and nothing ever gets resolved. People do and find things as it serves the plot. The main romance of the show is so high school teenager dumbness to watch. Ugh.

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With Marvel doubling down the simple and easily digestible superhero formula, this show is the complete opposite. This show is not afraid to take risks nor is it afraid to show how corrupt every character is, and I love it for that.

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way too doom and gloom for me. i only watched it bc my cousin told me to and everyone kept going on about how great it is
they failed to mention how there’s a full sexual assault scene, so like warning ig if anyone wants to watch it

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Shout by Deleted

This show started out very well and had so much potential. But, season 3 completely ruined it. They're trying to stretch this as much as possible. I know it's based on comics. But, it still doesn't make any sense.

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i started watching for jensen ackles but ofc u gotta watch the first two seasons first to understand the third and by the time he showed up i didnt even care for him that much anymore bc the plot was just so good. first show ever i think ive watched that hasn't already been cancelled & i hate waiting for s4 so much. the violence is a bit much at times but the plot is good enough so it gets by.

i hate this new trend of shows being super short, though. i understand the episodes are long so technically its a 12 episode 30 min show but still. bc of these 8 episode seasons you get a lot of plot packed into each episode to the point where it almost (almost) seems like a chore to turn it on and u can't miss an episode or god forbid 5 minutes of an episode otherwise you'll have no idea what's happening. i get it, it's not seinfeld, whatever. that's not my point.

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One of the best graphic novel adaptations on TV.

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Crassness dialed up to 11. It's a bit much, but genuinely entertaining. Great to challenge the overwhelming canon of super heroes always being good.

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Just being vulgar doesn't make a great show, it's for dummies.

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One of the few Amazon Originals that actually hit. It's freaking hilarious, entertaining, and well made. I'm looking forward to another season.

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:no_mouth: don’t know what to expect

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I liked it a lot! From the first episode until the last! I like the fact that these 'good' superheroes are realy, realy messed up (in their heads).

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Season 3 pulled a Game of Thrones. Complete waste of time because of how it ended. I will not be giving the show another go, absolutely awful waste of time.

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It's ok..some series episodes were great

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good if you want to waste your time.

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A fresh new look on superheros. After too many marvel films and shows this was refreshing. Funny, lots of gore, sex and superheros.

Season 4 sounds like it'll be amazing based on the last episode of season 3.

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I sincerely mean it when I say this is one of the worst shows I've ever had the displeasure of watching.

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One of the greatest shows I have seen.

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First half was "insane"! 9/10. Then it seemed as the budget was cut... the series took a huge downfall in all areas. Some episodes are very cheaply made and seem like "fillers".

Overall, love the unique concept and everything about the show, when the episodes are on point.

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This show really does keep getting better and better.

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Relatable and realistic super heroes. Talented and charismatic cast. This is a Great series. Anthony Starr as homelander is an accurate portrayal of modern day superman. Terrifying performance.

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I chat about this series in these videos:
stranger things finale, corrupt superheroes, & ballroom :sparkles: July TV & movie watching plans
bingeing stranger things, queer love, corrupt superheroes :sparkles: What I'm watching in June :rainbow:

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If superheroes really did exist they would probably be just as psycho hahaha! I just finished the season and I was even wilder than the previous seasons! I could have did without the herogasim thing though... that was wayyyyyy over the top. Over all though the action was off the chain and I hate to use another cliché but there really was never a dull moment.

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Shout by Erik Öhman
BlockedParent2022-07-09T15:19:35Z— updated 2022-08-04T07:30:27Z

After the disappointing third season I can no longer in good conscience recommend this show. Season 2 was week an unforgettable but Season 3 was just horrible and irritating.

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this script was written by a kid or by someone that has't watched the previous season

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Kinda upset the picture on this site for the show is a spoiler in itself ....... Just wanted to see where to watch the show.

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last episode sucks, ruins the whole story

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Seth Rogan should be banned for creating anything, including YouTube poops.

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Don't waste your time on feels like Heroes on a Budget ... Too much drama, too little action.

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really !!! putting a young girl dancing Like that ... YOU PEDOS!!

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Has to be one of the best shows from the last few years,every season has had me in stitches.The dogs bollocks...

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Truly diabolical R rated show at it's best

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I just watched episode five and I now understand the warning....
they nasty!

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This is one of the best show no one ever have to miss.I mean great.Highly recommend

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Such a great show, what else do u want, superpowers, violence and sex, love it :grinning:

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So far it's been pretty good and hoping they continue the series.

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One of the best shows on TV!

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A show with a fresh idea, well presented. Humorous and macabre at the same time. A memorable show for me !

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Seth Rogan in his greatest role as SirCumsALot779!!

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We need to do an Anthropologie of this series and the undertone of its message! It is actioned packed and an amazing watch but there are some separatist, neo colonialism, racist, and other bad… very bad messages.. however, good writing and presentation.

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Shout by TV Watcher
BlockedParent2022-06-11T23:32:03Z— updated 2023-01-05T04:25:48Z

This show wasn’t really great, but you could find some merit in season one. Season two was not as interesting and I lost a lot of interest. Then the opening scene of season three was graphic, unnecessary and so over the top that I just couldn’t watch any more of this.

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It's out on Friday, not Thursday apparently

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I thought I was seen everything....but season 3 episode 1 oh man

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1 of 24. Hugh "Hughie" Campbell suffers mental trauma after his girlfriend Robin is killed in a high-velocity impact with celebrity superhero A-Train. Lawyers offer a $45,000 settlement, which Hughie hesitates to accept. Aspiring superhero Annie January auditions as "Starlight" and is accepted to join the superhero group The Seven following the Lamplighter's retirement. Arriving at the Seven's headquarters, she is greeted by the Deep, who blackmails her into performing oral sex on him. Vigilante Billy Butcher offers Hughie a chance to expose superhero corruption, taking him to a secret "Supes Club" to show him security footage of A-Train laughing about Robin's death. Butcher asks Hughie to take the settlement money and to secretly place a bug at Seven Tower, but Hughie initially refuses. In Central Park, Annie meets Hughie by happenstance and they motivate each other to stand up for themselves and face their challenges. Hughie plants the bug, but Translucent discovers it and confronts him. Butcher arrives and helps Hughie incapacitate Translucent. Elsewhere, Homelander destroys the mayor of Baltimore's plane while in flight, killing all passengers, in response to the mayor's attempt to blackmail Vought.

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Really something special. Extra gritty yet still manages to make each death on the show matter. At least the first 2 seasons are full on worth 9/10 rating !

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It is meant to be funny and witty, with relatable characters and all the usually super hero vibe. But it completely hit the mark with me. I guess I am not the target audience.

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BE ADVISED! When they say "TV-MA," they mean it. This is NOT a show for kids or even teenagers. I thought the First Season was hilarious and very well done. However, the second season falls flat on its face. They lost their creativity, they filled it with all the standard Hollywood clichés about Nazis..... and other trash. They could've done so, so much better. The first season is amazing, but I leave it to you to judge Season 2.

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This show is so twisted , I love it! Nothing what I expected.

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I’m loving this show!!! I don’t know why it took me so long to start watching it!

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Where do I even start? I mean the show is amazing, the characters are fantastic, the story got me hooked. I watched both seasons in one go. Best way to waste 16h and not regret your decision afterwards.

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Good serie , also a nice story !

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Highly entertaining and full of great and horrible characters.

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It is a different series about superheroes, not from the typical point of view that we are used to seeing them. A bit sordid, but recommended.

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This show is badass. If you can't stand cussing and over the top gore, skip it, this show is not for you. This show offers a new take on the superhero genre in which the superheroes are worshiped to the point of becoming overly arrogant and even evil. The heroes in this show are not always the ones with the superpowers. The rudeness and vulgarity in which it is wrapped actually works and doesn't feel like it's just rude to be rude or nasty to be nasty. With interesting, fun characters this quickly became a favorite of mine.

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  • Story 3/5
  • Characters 3/5
  • Depth 3/5
  • Cast 4/5
  • Artistry 4/5
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This series is refreshingly different from DC and Marvel shows. I stopped watching immediately - at first- after the scène where the girlfriend gets obliterated. But gave it a second chance later, while watching alone. It's too much gore to be girlfriend-approved material.

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Excellent show! deserves all the credit it gets. A little too often some unnecessary nudity and violence, but that's part of the show I guess, and all too commen these days.... Have to finish season one still, and then it's on to season two....

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This show is fucking a good way

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Shout by Kevin Beazley
BlockedParent2020-10-26T07:55:19Z— updated 2021-02-08T15:16:23Z

The premise, the plotting, and a lot of the characters are absolutely phenomenal, but the actual writing, the scripts, are bad. The dialogue is awful and corny, a lot of the drama is artificial and super cliche, and there are a lot of characters whose arcs play out predictably or whose stories aren't given enough screen time.

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10 of 10 nice characters and trama gl guys

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Great show, has a great plot with good twists and turns..
Really enjoyed it, a very fresh, intelligent, interesting show. Excellent characters. :thumbsup_tone1::clap_tone1::clap_tone1:

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2 seasons down and there is nothing but up up and away for this super powered show. Can't wait for more.

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One, if not the best, series I ever watched.. Great actors, great characters and a great story.. Very brutal, just like I love it... Can't wait for season 3...

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Shout by Deleted

A wild ride full of swearing, violence, blood, guts and anything and everything else you can think of.

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The Boys is a new refreshing series in an oversaturated market of superhero comic adaptations. The non-canon goofy insecure main character, a Superman parody with a megalomaniac god complex, layered character traits where no character truly falls to black or white zone, but rather grey makes the show even a lot more interesting cause this is a scenario that most superhero movies tend to avoid. There are a few changes to the comics but they are not overdone and even the gender-swapping doesn't feel forced. Brilliant actor team makes everything perfect. Well done.

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Season 1 was ok and fresh but season 2 is boring and lazy, wtf happened?

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Love this hilariously disturbing show haha

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Getting worried about season 2 ... there is a creeping feeling of a moral tale to be told! Certainly not something I want to happen or think should. For once can the nasty baddies win please and the good guys get their ass kicked? Please?!

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Show didn't need the overly added adult content

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This show is brilliantly put together! Dark humor in all the right places and entertaining as hell. Karl Urban is fantastically balancing maniacal and sensitive in one character. The logic of the corrupt superheroes feels so real, it causes me to look at Marvel characters in a different light. My new favorite show!

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It took me a while to start finding it a fun series. At least 4 episodes. But because Rotten tomatoes are going to be a reasonable review go to keep watching. And in the end well worth it. Not good superheroes. But heroes with a fat wrong edge. Can't wait for the sequel

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Best superhero show ever, love the comics too, I like that Simon pegg is in it but would have loved it if he played hughie

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Shout by Mark van Dijk
BlockedParent2020-05-28T10:16:14Z— updated 2020-05-29T21:10:09Z

Good series. Sad about the Christianity mockery though. You can always tell hollywood's brightest are writing and directing series when they contain this level of mocking and bashing. They hate the catholic faith.

The last episode wasn't that great. The rest was okay. I like the premise. The execution is a bit stereotypical and leftist biased.

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Weak season 1 finale, but it's been great overall. The Boys is every show wanted to be but couldn't.

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So good~~ It bring back the old days of Heroes..

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Holy crapballs Batman. You will never look at superhero’s in the same way again. Funnily enough this is probably a more grounded representation of what a superhuman megastar would be like. Sociopaths & narcissists, massive ego’s with superiority complexes. And of course their existence would be corporatized.

Brilliant, 10/10. A must see.

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The boys is a gritty take on the superhero genre, with similar characters to DC and Marvel comics but make them evil and based on fortune 500 run franchise(s) in america with the top 7 been monetized an corrupt and lets you see the seedy underground when the lights go down. The show is not for the light hearted or your usual christian bible thumper, but is a great watch, start to finish. It's a R-18 rated show and shows it, so don't complain if that offends you. But i recommend "The Boys", i enjoyed it greatly and await the second season!

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Ok I'm only on Episode 1, but I've already encountered multiple WTF moments that have me hooked on the show more than ever. If you haven't started the show and think it's just another mediocre, overly-hyped superhero story like I did, boy are you in for a ride. The filmography will def blow your mind :wink:

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I love it. I binged the whole thing and didn't want to stop watching.

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Excellent series, a series with an adult footprint, I recommend.

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