Review by Lineage

The Boys 2019

This show is so highly regarded and so highly spoken of by a lot of people, and I feel like it's an overreaction. Now, don't get me wrong, this show is entertaining to watch; I feel like every little detail is highly praised by a lot of people. From what I've seen, people make this show out to be much better than it is. Every little detail is brought up as another reason why this show is the best show they've ever watched. It's odd and, well, very ridiculous.

I think that it has to do with the themes in the show, including the way things are written to mirror the real world, as well as more minor details that get people all excited, for some reason, using them as a way to express how great this show is. It doesn't make sense to me. Another thing that I think is one of the reasons that people think makes this show the greatest show they've ever watched is that this show reinvents the superhero genre or something to do with the superhero genre, and I don't understand that.

To me, these reasons seem very shallow. None of those things should matter. None of those things should play a factor in whether or not you enjoy an episode of a show or the show itself; whether or not you think an episode of a show or the show itself is great; the level at which you enjoy an episode of a show or the show itself or think it's great. None of it should matter so much to where you'll not like an episode of a show or the show itself as much as you would've if things like that were present, to where it has such an impact on how you react and feel, and your outlook. When I see people reacting so strongly, positively or negatively, about stuff like that, I think it's ridiculous that they seemingly matter so much to them. Because, for me, it's only a matter of whether I enjoy what I watch.

Speaking of which, another one of those reasons that I've seen people provide as to why they love the show so much is that it's way better than the comic book series was; that they liked various aspects that the show did or made a lot better than the comics did. I can understand that reason, but that still shouldn't elevate the show higher than it is. And I think it does for a lot of people, as does the themes in the show, the way the writers write some things to mirror the real world and on-going situations, the way that this show reinvents the superhero genre or whatever that assertion is all about. I don't understand that way of thinking.

Personally, I enjoy watching this show. There are instances where the writing is lazy, convenient, or contrived; instances of inconsistency. And there are plenty of moments that come across as ridiculous but may not completely fit within any of those categories. But I never had that big of a problem with them. There were only a few that I caught, and they didn't bother me; hell, the ones that I caught may have explanations that make enough sense and aren't too convenient. There were more instances like that of which were revealed to me through other means, but they still didn't bother me that much.

The only thing that's an issue with this show for me is that the main plot and subplots aren't written in a captivating way, most of the time. I'm still entertained enough while watching episodes that feel that way, but it's something that I wish wasn't the case so I can be as entertained as possible. Other than that, I have always been entertained by this show. I don't think that aspect will change, thankfully. It's the entertainment value that matters the most to me. And while I don't understand the high praise or reactions to practically every little detail in the show, it's not my problem. This show has always been entertaining to watch, and that's good enough for me.

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