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Succession: Season 1

1x01 Celebration

Is it a dispute to know who is the most scoundrel? The scene in the game with the boy, pure sadism, remains the one that most impressed me every time I've seen this pilot.

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Some of the dialogue in here felt really weird, especially when paired with some of the camera work. Not sure I liked the random zooms, but overall, I think this definitely has the potential to be a great show.

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15 minutes in and I'm about to fall asleep

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callous, frightening, sickening, i really hate this show but it's well made

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Shout by Ro

Roman looks like Harry Potter

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And I thought that Roman guy was the only likable character. And then comes the the baseball scene... The whole family seems to be comprised of assholes—except Marcia, don't know what her deal is yet. Did enjoy the episode nonetheless, let's hope it doesn't get cancelled like Here and Now.

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I like the story but the camera work, especially the zooming, is annoying and poorly done.

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Not yet sold on the idea that watching awful people be miserable is something I want to dedicate hours of my life to, but pilot episodes are always a little shaky, even if this one was shakier than most.

And while the writing was hit and miss, I absolutely hated most of the filmmaking. From the camerawork to the editing, this found a way to press nearly every one of my buttons in the worst way. Really hoping they cut back on this style as the show goes on.

The performances were spectacular, though.

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Too many male characters to be enjoyable.

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I'm not sure I want to watch this any further.

I mean sure, the maladjusted sociopaths of the elite rich are people too. They have everyday struggles, personal slaves and their own hopes and dreams just like the rest of us, sure.

But I don't give a shit.

I'm not rooting for any of the characters. I'm neither enthralled nor am I having any fun really.

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The scene when the guy throws up through the costume, amazing :ok_hand:

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Mmm how unconfortable... I'm in

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It does start slow, but as the episode progresses, the show becomes engrossing.
I have a bit of a problem with the amount of swearing in the show, sometimes I had the impression that the showrunners were participating in some competition how many f-bombs one can drop in a single episode.

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took me too long to finish this episode, continuing because friends said its good

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The subject matter didn't really get me in front of the tv, but decided to finally give it a chance, and 10 minutes in; I was on board. Way funnier than I expected, and what a style and writing so far.

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First episode, and I already feel shocked. :sweat_smile:

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Interesting beginning - although so far none of the characters has any redeeming qualities. But I'll give this a chance.

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Honestly this episode is one of the most disappointing pieces of work I have seen in a long time. Just the most pure example of the "Prestige Tv Tropes" without anything real coming off of it. Arrogant characters, soft but strong background music, power struggle thinly veiled behind stoic acting. Just all of the cliches without anything that actually means anything.

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ohh i get why the Tumblr girlies love this show, it's filled to the brim with pathetic little meow meows.

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Okay, I'm totally in! Interesting how most of the characters/family members are unlikable. Maybe Shiv is okay. I like Roman just from an entertaining perspective but the baseball scene made him an outright ass.

The entry point into this world, Nicholas Braun's Greg Hirsch is just as off putting, which is an extremely interesting move. But yeah, he's not likable either.

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Ha! “Super Max Pussy Grip” ha!
Fantastic 1st episode.
Do yourself a favor and watch this show.

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Baseball scene was it for me. Not watching,

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I'll keep watching because everyone is raving about it. Let's see if it gets more interesting.

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They're too obnoxious, don't know if I'll be able to put up with them throughout the whole season. Also it seems to be mainly focused on the dealmaking stuff and little on the media business. I kind of expected it to be like an upper floor The Newsroom. Can anyone tell me if it's just like this?

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