This was a fantastic opening episode to the series, and I'm really looking forward to seeing how the Roy family tear each other apart as they pursue a higher rank in Logan's media conglomerate, Waystar Royco. Firstly, on the theme song, it was beautifully composed. The way it place shots of modern era technology to old-fashioned tech to represent the long-standing legacy of the Roy media company, how they've lasted through massive technological and cultural change in the world, was fantastic, fully exemplifying the history and dominance of the conglomerate. Also, on reflection, I enjoy the Lawrence guy, the man who Kendall (barely) was able to make a business dealing with, with it heavily favoring Lawrence in terms of stock and money. I just liked seeing Lawrence shit-talk Kendall, mocking how unqualified he is for his job, and how reliant his is (an longer can be) on his father for protection.

Regarding the show's content, it's clear a big recurring theme of the series would be the power of greed on people's behavior, particularly it's effects on family bonds, with all of the Roy family (except Connor?) wanting the CEO position after Logan retires, and willing to take others down to raise their position in the company..The characters really are all detestable people (minus Marcia and Connor for now), with how little disregard they have for other people, just concerned about gaining power and not caring about what means they use to achieve it (with Kendall even talking shit about Logan behind his back to undermine him). Watching them all basically beg Roy for a top position really makes me cringe inside, seeing how shameless the family is. Moreover, from the man paying off the rural family to not expose Roman's petty actions at the baseball game, to the housekeeper cleaning up Logan and presumably Kendall's messes, its clear another recurring idea throughout the series is that someone will always be there to clean up the Roy family's messes from the shadows, as they carry out their lives. Succession is the perfect title for this show, fully capturing how this show will explore family rivalry's tearing each other apart as the Roy siblings fight for top positions and CEO in the Waystar media company, owned by their father, Logan Roy. Regarding Logan Roy, it's clear he's the top dog of the family, with him being the founder and CEO of the Waystar media company, and extremely powerful international media conglomerate. And man, its clear Logan's used to having his way with people, with him just doing as he pleases with no regards for others feelings, the relationships he's built with others, and promises he made with others (such as when he essentially tricked Kendall into signing papers that gave Marci, Logan's wife, double voting power and expecting the other Roys to do the same). But it's clear, from the opening scene of him peeing in a closet, that he's becoming old and needs to retire soon, and with today's surprising twist ending with him getting hospitalized, its looking like he may be forced to retire a lot sooner than he hoped.

First off there's Kendall Roy, the cocky businessman who prances about as if he owns the company, and has a strong desire to impress his father, and show he's worthy of the CEO position after he retires. And he's constantly doing his best to seek Logan's approval. Although, its clear Logan doesn't think he's ready, with him completely disregarding his more amicable approach to business dealings, believing he's too "soft," and also believing he may not be mentally fit for the CEO position, referencing him spending time in rehab for drug abuse (despite this being 3 years ago). Then there's Roman Roy, the crude, arrogant man who failed in executive instruction under 30-year company veteran Frank, but still slides his way into Logan's company, seeking more power under the conglomerate. And man, how shamelessly Roman belittled and toyed with that kid, ripping up the check in his face and telling him to go back to his humble life, really cemented Roman as the worst of the bunch, as someone obsessed with flaunting his unearned power and wealth over those below him.Connor Roy seems perfectly content with his rich, effortless life, having seemingly no desire to overtake the firm and is just going on about his days. There's Shiv Roy, the woman of the family, whose dabbling in politics but still wants the top position at the conglomerate. There's her boyfriend, Tom, who desperately seeks approval from Logan, and wants his respect, but just can't seem to achieve that, with Logan constantly disregarding him and his efforts. And it's looking like Tom's going to be taking out his frustrations on Cousin Greg, someone who he sees as below him and can be messed around with. . And then there's Greg, the most sympathetic of the bunch, and cousin of the Roys, an outcast and unknown relative to the Roy family whose just lost his job at one of Waystar's amusement park and is trying to wedge his way into Logan's good side to win over his favor (and thus help for another job).

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