I know, technobabble and suspension of disbelief, but starfleet would not sanitize their SQL queries, really?!

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I like this episode for the most part. It's probably my second favorite this season. I wasn't expecting the "previously on" and I found it clever and nostalgic. The whole visit to Talos IV fit nicely without overly messing with canon.

I am being to believe that the red angel may be Michael. I hope not that would be overly circular. I'm still hoping that Discovery ends with the angel erasing Michael from the timeline. It's not because I don't like the character but it will clean up the timeline they've been playing fast and lose with.

Big shock! I liked the original bulb heads better than the new ones. Their heads looked fragile. Skin pale enough to see the veins. Like a really pale girl I once knew.

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this show is all over the place no consistency, constantly trying to tie old and new together, and not doing a good job of it.
Flashbacks, and history lessons, are only adding to the confusion

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I have given up pointing out what I like or don't like about this show because ultimately it serves no purpose. I have my opinion, others have theirs and that is OK. But does anyone really thing the "Goodbye Spock" joke was funny ?


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Shout by Silrog

Hmm. I don't get the enthusiasm for this episode.

There is extremely little relevant material for the greater story arc. We already knew about as much about the red angle, the only new information is that somehow life on several planets would end. Wow!

Considering this story deficiency, the plot is shockingly bloated, feels very 'constructed' and is often enough illogical. I won't bore you with details why it was completely unnecessary to travel to Talos, when simply sharing experiences was enough to heal Spock. Or how disappointing and shallow the Spock-Michael interaction was. Or how the communication with Pike could have been far more efficient, if they hadn't used Vina and her mastery in missing the point.

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Shout by DAVY X

The short trek episode
The complete story to Saru getting into starfleet was just awesome really....really Really good and I would definitely like to see more of those also them serving as prequels is so clever and definitely was a very very welcomed back story not just to be told about it but to actually see it was amazing.
This episode was definitely a strong 9/10

This Masterpiece of a show 10+/10

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It seems that everything they tried to achieve this season (but failed miserably for the most part) has finally come together in this episode. This was genuinely intriguing, well acted with solid dialogue thought. And so freaking beautifully filmed... I wanted to make a joke about them trying to please "fans" by inserting original St episodes at the start of the new episode, but this was in fact very well done. More of this please

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I found this episode delightful.

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Pretty decent episode, really enjoying Anson Mount more and more as Pike.

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An anchor on which to base your world

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This series absolutely rocks. This episode is the best, so clever and a perfect example of how do to science fiction right. "Where I come from, the one holding the phaser gets to ask the questions". Just. Flipping. Excellent.

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I love the episode, but I really not so engaged with Michael... I don't like her.
In the other hand, the story plot is good but there were some mistakes!
The only reason why I gave it 9 is the historical introduction <3

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So lovely to see Melissa George on a show again.

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Borrowed gravitas cannot redeem this unmitigated disaster-piece.
Also..that's not how the transporter works (in Han Solo's voice)

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