Everything Andrew Phillips said above (or below idk) me with the following addition:

  • Gotta explain Cephalopod to the audience cause if a 23rd century Star Fleet officer who is actually still a Klingon... Oh Wait, it does make sense now.
  • I actually got "sunspots" in my eyes from watching the episode...5 minutes later and I still see these blobs. Thanks JJ for making me blind for no goddamn reason besides ruining everything your paws have every touched.
  • So that was the trauma? The big deal? Geez, I guess I should have gone insane from my trauma's ages ago... And those aren't even that bad in comparison to other people's.

  • I did enjoy the fact this Spock -whose still not Spock- pretty much told Bernham she isn't all that... I'm sure it won't last long but I enjoyed the moment.

  • Couldn't be bothered to recreate the few scenes from the Cage with the old uniforms huh. I guess that was too much to ask, especially since they couldn't be bothered with the basics of Trek and it's history/legacy.

All in all I THINK this was the best episode that has been aired from all the seasons to date, which isn't saying much. It showed a very small glimpse what could have been if more effort, love and a lack of agenda was taken with the critically acclaimed and beloved source material.

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