We need to see more of Rebecca Romijn's Number One. She's awesome!

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Tearing out the holo communicators. That's a step in the right direction. A few more changes and we may yet get a real Star Trek show.

This was a pretty standard anomaly in space episode. I found the whole thing with the translators to be more annoying than clever. I also find it unlikely that the majority of the crew didn't speak Federation Standard.

There were 2 smaller plotlines running. Tilly and the Slimer in the fungus room and Saru drops his fear dangles. Up until now I was finding the Tilly story interesting. I'm not sure where they lost me this episode.

As for the Saru story, that fell flat for me as well. I have never found him very compelling. For me he barely rates above the rest of the bridge crew who's names I'd have to look up. Losing Saru would have about the same impact as losing Wesley Crusher. I liked mirror Saru better. They should have saved (pickled?) the dangling bits for the Emperor.

In truth I'm not sure why this episode bugged me as much as it did. I probably should have given it a 6.

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I'll take a whole episode where Reno, Linus, and Number One are sent on a shuttle mission together, please. Suddenly, this show is cranking out one solid supporting character after the other.

I love that Pike effectively gifted Kirk a ship that was gutted to be more old school than the rest of the fleet because he was sick and tired of all the new tech malfunctioning. And because he was scared of ghosts.

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Wish there was less dialogue & more action.

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Really enjoyed this one, here's my random thoughts...

  • That was a great mix of crazy and FUN.
  • Tig Notaro steals every scene she's in and I want to see much more of her.
  • Absolutely loved the universal translator going wrong and everyone speaking different languages.
  • The conversation about going back to old fashioned screens for communications felt a bit shoe-horned in, but was still appreciated.
  • Number One was interesting, I'm surprised she appeared so briefly.
  • Love any scene where the characters are all discussing things around a table. Feels very Star Trek.
  • The Saru plot became surprisingly emotional, and I thought the scenes between him and Burnham were very strong.
  • Tilly and Stamets singing Space Oddity was gorgeous and delightful.
  • I don't care about the Spock plot at all now, just do more fun stuff like this.
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Shout by Pongo

They make a hole in the head of the most annoying ensign Tilly. With a drill. Unfortunately she survives. Suru also survives after dying for most of the episode. Thus, for the viewer enduring one and a half hour of boring cheesy farewell dialog is pointless and painful.

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Shout by Ro

Old skool Mystique has joined

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Shout by mookie

A surprisingly emotional episode. It's too bad the writers and showrunners copped out at the end and didn't have the courage to let Saru go.

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Still can't stand Stamets and Tilly, but Michael and Saru and their conversations somewhat manages to save this episode from a total disgrace.

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  • Number One was a good throw back to TOS pilot. She looks exactly the same.
  • David Bowie moment was beautiful, love the relation between Tilly and Stamets
  • The Doctor seemed absolutely useless. If she is suppose to take care of the beings on the ship, she should probably know their biology. Could have done with some better writing here.
  • The solution was somewhat jumped to. I feel like they were just experiencing side effects, and fixing small issues, without diagnosing what was actually going on. When they found out what was happening, it was presented, and then they diagnosed afterwards. Would have loved to see them investigate the sound patterns more, or even interact/communicate more with the creature. Possibly even be forced to shoot a few torpedos and study its response.

Overall, I feel like the series is going somewhere, and building up to something, but I dont know to what yet. I will keep watching! Excited for next week!

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Not wanting to miss what you have learned

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This was the "most STTNG like" tv experience since Voyager.

The science part was mostly questionable, the plot doesn't represent writing at its best, but the episode felt like coming home. <3

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Shout by Chronosus
BlockedParent2019-02-11T11:38:53Z— updated 2019-02-15T08:21:57Z

So I guess the so called fans got what they wanted - 90s quality dialogue and fake drama thats leads nowhere, episodic plots that amounts to nothing. Even Burnham started overacting. Say what you will about first season, but they had clear vision where they're going with this.

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Except for too much dialogue that was a quite good episode, felt like Trek again.

Some characters seem to die slower than Trinity only to miraculously stay alive.

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Aaaand here we go with an episode ruined with a bunch of bloody green PC propaganda! Also way too much boring dialogue and too little action. First season was much better so far. The drawn out sentimental crap at the end was so boring.

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Saru's backstory was interesting, but they devoted too much time to it in one episode. Too much Tilly, too, and that doesn't look like it's going away anytime soon, unfortunately. I want more Spock- and Pike-related content, but the writers here clearly want to spend more time on their own characters than on legacy ones.

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Really going in the right direction, with more classic Star Trek plots, space anomalies, unknown species, and some indications of recovering TOS canon. Also: no boring Klingons and we are now officially "In Search Of Spock" ;-)

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Shout by Talgeeze

Remember Voyager 2x06 "Twisted" ? The main plot is basically the same.

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More of THIS please and this show might actually become a decent Star Trek series some day!

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Some quality emotions are in this episode, I bit you won't hold your tears specially if you are a hardcore fan like me :)
And I am happy that Saru is okay and not dead .

On the other hand, they are finally providing an explanation why the spore drive is not featured in the rest of the star trek series and movies .

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Minus that anoying "old school" engineer and her exchange with Stamets I liked this episode. I think that conversation, althought it's topic was valid, was a little bit to imposed.

And they are trying now to explain things like how Kirk's Enterprise hadn't all that shiny techy stuff. And my guess is that ultimately they will abandon the whole jump drive and forbid it's use ever again. Which could explain why it never was used later but would still leave an explanation as to why no one ever talked about it.

Saru's story does interest me a lot more now than what happened to Spock. I think it's a bit annoying they dangled Spock in front of the audience like a carrot and it now seems he will be a ghost possibly up to the last (couple ?) episode (s). And it would be nice if they do a follow up to the Sphere and it's possible origins.

In any case, I recognize the effort they are taking.

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