Minus that anoying "old school" engineer and her exchange with Stamets I liked this episode. I think that conversation, althought it's topic was valid, was a little bit to imposed.

And they are trying now to explain things like how Kirk's Enterprise hadn't all that shiny techy stuff. And my guess is that ultimately they will abandon the whole jump drive and forbid it's use ever again. Which could explain why it never was used later but would still leave an explanation as to why no one ever talked about it.

Saru's story does interest me a lot more now than what happened to Spock. I think it's a bit annoying they dangled Spock in front of the audience like a carrot and it now seems he will be a ghost possibly up to the last (couple ?) episode (s). And it would be nice if they do a follow up to the Sphere and it's possible origins.

In any case, I recognize the effort they are taking.

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