• Number One was a good throw back to TOS pilot. She looks exactly the same.
  • David Bowie moment was beautiful, love the relation between Tilly and Stamets
  • The Doctor seemed absolutely useless. If she is suppose to take care of the beings on the ship, she should probably know their biology. Could have done with some better writing here.
  • The solution was somewhat jumped to. I feel like they were just experiencing side effects, and fixing small issues, without diagnosing what was actually going on. When they found out what was happening, it was presented, and then they diagnosed afterwards. Would have loved to see them investigate the sound patterns more, or even interact/communicate more with the creature. Possibly even be forced to shoot a few torpedos and study its response.

Overall, I feel like the series is going somewhere, and building up to something, but I dont know to what yet. I will keep watching! Excited for next week!

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