Loved all the reveals in this episode. The scene with Georgiou, Stamets, Culber and Tilly was fantastic!

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"What just happened!?" Best line ever!

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Fun Fact:
At the end, Lieutenant Nilsson takes the old position of Airiam on the bridge!
Sara Mitich who plays Nilsson also embodied Airiam in the first season. (Hannah Cheesman for
season two).
of this Phenomenal
(Sara was having an
Allergic reaction to all
the makeup, so they
brought her back as
Lieutenant Nilsson).

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The beginning of this episode dragged. If they wasted that much time on every dead officer there'd be no time left to get work done. We hardly knew Half Data girl.

I enjoyed Michael punching Leland. The actress did a fine job throughout and was enjoyable to watch. Her kicks are decent.

Time crystals! Fuck time crystals. They decide to double down on a returning stupid issue from the first season. I'm still not sure if any of this show qualifies as canon. The whole idea of time crystals changes major canon on future time travel. We've seen many types of time travel and there was never a crystal to be found.

As for the big reveal. It was a stupid plan.
We think it's Michael from the future. We'll put Micheal in fake danger (that more like torture because we don't plan to let her die). This will fool Michael from the future because she won't know plan??? That makes no sense. It turns out to be Michael's mom. I'm half way glad.

Now we just have to figure out how to use the time crystals to erase this abberation.

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This is not a bad episode of sci-fi, it's good and crazy fun despite a number of very dumb things. But this is also the worst attempt at anything labeled Star Trek since last season's "Choose Your Pain." Discovery isn't as self-important and insulting towards the legacy of Star Trek as, say, William Shatner's novels, but dammit it's still trying.

All of the progress and improvements to Discovery made at the beginning of the season has been undone at this point. All we're left with is shock drama that wants to be anything but a TV show about anything but Star Trek. It's even subverting the few things it did well in season 1 (like turning Tilly into a stupifying, cringy characature of herself). The best line of the episode was Rhinestone Barbie telling her to "Stop talking."

I'm officially continuing to watch because I'm a Star Trek completionist, and because it's free with my Netflix subscription. I feel so bad for people who paid a separate fee just for this.

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A very uneven episode with some bright spot and cool sceneries.

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The fact that I was was finding it extremely satisfying to see Burnham dying a painful death speaks to how well the writers have ruined the character for me -- and to how the actress has helped them by playing the role so well as written. There must be something that keeps bringing me back, though, and it's certainly not Hugh and Paul. Or Ash. Or Tilly. Good gawd, certainly not Tilly. I guess I'll give credit to Pike.

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As the title says, the red angel

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Somehow they managed to combine all the usual recent disappointments in this episode.

  • The events make little to no sense.
  • The emotional story elements are too long and frequent but also of too shallow quality. Remarkable achievement, this combo.

Generally: Besides Saru no character of the first season managed to improve. The season't plot isn't better either. It's pretty rare that a second season falls behind the premiere season.

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That really didn't make much sense, did it? Not a great episode at all, especially considering the good stuff this season has been doing. I did not expect that ending, though, that pushes things down a more interesting path.

  • Causing Michael to have a painful "death" seems stupid, especially given that they TURNED THE LIFE SUPPORT OFF right before exposing her to the toxic atmosphere. Why not just let her peacefully run out of air and fall unconcious? Why not at least give her some painkillers so she wouldn't suffer so much?
  • The entire plan made no sense. If Michael was indeed the Red Angel from the future, then her future self would know exactly what they were planning and be able to avoid the trap.
  • Airam's funeral had zero emotional impact given that we have seen virtually nothing of her or her friendships with the crew over the past two seasons.
  • I'm really enjoying Spock constantly breaking the fourth wall whenever he talks about Michael. It seems that writers may be aware that she's a really terrible character.
  • Georgiou's awkward scene with Stamets, Culber and Tilly was fantastic.
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Opening scene is a six minutes long sequence of speechess (and the song) about a character that no onen cared, even the writing staff. Six minutes, I suppose that is a total screen time that Airiam got in these two seasons.

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Shout by mookie

The problem with time travel is that when done wrong, it fails spectacularly. And that is just what happened in this episode. Ugh.

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This episode was a starship wreck.

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Well I've run out of ways to bag this rancid mug of hot garbage juice, so I will recommend two amazing shows you could watch instead.
The Expanse and The Orville. Both of which have worst episodes better than the best episode of this waste of 45 mins a week.
(As with Aeron, and probably many others I am only watching this cause I'm a completionist and have Nutflux anyway which at least lets me watch in 2x speed)

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The premise of this episode is so lame that it had me all episode rolling my eyes so hard I almost passed out.
Starting with the horrible way they discover and reveal at the begging the identity of the red angel. Seriously? So cheap and not earned... Also, why didn't the robot lady killed her at first sight, The terminator way?
And then they come up with the most stupid plan to capture the red angel, with the full knowledge and participation of "past red angel" (that will know of it in the future)... Oh, and a fake death... So no real danger...

All is horrible. I haven't yet finished the episode (paused to comment this on minute 37) but it doesn't matter... No matter how it ends the premise, the plan and all the setup is so stupid...

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Boring Hollywood soap opera filled with emotional nonsense. Predictable ending and shitfull of plot holes as always when useless and unintelligent writers cram timetravel into their stores because they are to stupid to come up with a decent plot. This season is a total trainwreck!

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Just kill Michael already. Or kill the show, either is fine.

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Let me see if I got this straight: "Present day" Michael knows about the plan to capture future Michael, and this knowledge somehow doesn't propagate to future Michael. But Michael's death-without-future-intervention does? That's a sloppy, inconsistent theory of temporal mechanics.

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Oh boy, I cannot tell you how many times my gaze went to the ceiling and I had to resist the urge to stop watching.
This has become so messed-up in the span of this one episode, it's hard to believe they will find a way out of this that doesn't send shockwaves throughout the community, that will make the ones from season one feel like a gentle rumble.
I don't care which rabbit they pull out of the hat or if Kurtzman is still insisting this is canon Star Trek - IT IS NOT !

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This season is mindblowingly inconsistent. After two solid episodes where it appeared that they finally found a groove we are again in rodeo territory.
It's like they threw all the story ideas together but didn't read through the script again since nobody noticed notice all the plot holes and inconsistencies.

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Every scene was stupid or silly, often both.
I'm both sad and glad that Anson Mount got out/fired. He was great as Pike (albeit a bit too cuck to be good). Ofcourse we all remember Rebecca Romaine who had a whopping 3minutes of airtime this season in one of the few extra shoots to appease the fanbase they have alienated so much (and failing at it in the process).

I'm holding my heart about how "Picard" will be, and everything else they have planned.

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damn, spock's ass is hot!

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