That really didn't make much sense, did it? Not a great episode at all, especially considering the good stuff this season has been doing. I did not expect that ending, though, that pushes things down a more interesting path.

  • Causing Michael to have a painful "death" seems stupid, especially given that they TURNED THE LIFE SUPPORT OFF right before exposing her to the toxic atmosphere. Why not just let her peacefully run out of air and fall unconcious? Why not at least give her some painkillers so she wouldn't suffer so much?
  • The entire plan made no sense. If Michael was indeed the Red Angel from the future, then her future self would know exactly what they were planning and be able to avoid the trap.
  • Airam's funeral had zero emotional impact given that we have seen virtually nothing of her or her friendships with the crew over the past two seasons.
  • I'm really enjoying Spock constantly breaking the fourth wall whenever he talks about Michael. It seems that writers may be aware that she's a really terrible character.
  • Georgiou's awkward scene with Stamets, Culber and Tilly was fantastic.
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