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Squid Game 2021

This was one of the best shows i have ever watched in my life. PERIOD. BAR NONE. I cried so much in this show during episode 6 haha was not expecting it. DO RECOMMEND

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  • similar thrilling death game premise (this time using traditional korean childhood games) but strength in character centric storytelling and unraveling the mystery of the operation from other perspective

  • character and emotional driven story. Depth of multiple human traits is deeply relatable when in life and death situation and at some points we can see ourselves doing the same thing to survive.

  • after its peak emotional episode in the middle the energy is a bit lower than the earlier parts but still enjoyable. Some mystery is predictable. Depressing philosophical ending but kept door open for more.

  • 8/10

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A new variation on an existing concept. But nicely done. Fits well with other similar shows, like Liar Game (JP or KR), Zero, Kaiji, and others. Can only recommend it.

I noticed one thing. Each time there is a murder game in a Korean show, they focus more on the characters. In Japanese shows, they focus more on the game mechanics. I wonder why it is so.

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the best asian series netflix has ever made

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Personally I don't get the hype. It's an interesting, entertaining show but nothing new here. Especially if you're watching Asian movies and shows regularly. I give it a 6-7. There's much filler stuff and unnecessary side stories going on. Overall good but nothing spectacular.

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Shout by Deleted

Do we really need a second season for this mediocre show?

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Shout by Deleted

I'm not usually into K stuff, more a J stuff guy, but this wasn't bad

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Overdramatic, boring and repetitive. The character’s motivations are oftentimes laughably weak. Plotlines go nowhere and are seemingly only included because one of the writers thought that they were neat. Most of the time you can predict exactly what happens if you have ever seen any movie or show in your life before.

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Very good show. Entertaining up until the last two episodes. I feel like the whole ark with the cop didn't add much. Also the VIPs were totally unnecessary as well.

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It is a good show, worth watching, but definitely overhyped. The acting is good, the overall quality as well, but most of the twists are easily predictable. The scenario is good enough, but far from being the best one I have seen.

I would have find it better if it was not Hunger Games but for money and in out current society. The VIPs are a little to much. And also good luck for the scenarists of the second season with almost everyone dead.

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this was such an interesting take on a horror genre series and it was so so good right up until the last episode. the great big reveal at the end was meh and then the main character goes and makes a dumb decision that goes against what he's been fighting for literally the entire show. (when he decides to play the game again instead of getting on that plane and being there for his daughter like he's been saying he would the whole series.)

the major switch up in the final episode made the series feel like it wasn't cohesive. it just didn't fit and that made it a little disappointing, especially after the way this show plays on your emotions and really gets you invested into each of the character's personal stories.

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I just finished watching this series and just loved it. I thought it was a series that would somehow disappoint me but as soon as I started watching it I couldn't stop.
I liked the fact that it was a few episodes and that it didn't overly stretch the storyline. The colors, the scenography, the music and every single detail has become iconic.
I found the acting of the various characters very beautiful.
The series has managed to adapt to a more Western context, managing to make space around the world.

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Definitely one of the most well made korean dramas on Netflix right now...or ever. Record breaking, talk of the town at the moment, i love how exciting it is and you're always at the edge of your seat every episode. Perfect, flawless, uncomfortably genius, disturbing, binge worthy and atrocious acting by the VIPs. Ugh.

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Don’t trust the good reviews. 80% of this show is the equivalent of watching paint dry. You. Will. Feel. Every. Minute. That. Passes. Unnecessarily long and boring.

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why oh why cant there be a proper ending like we all want ? Typical series I hate it when they do that
Sae byeok looked so pretty she should have survived and got together with the main character , maybe get the house together and live with her brother too. Get her mom out of North Korea while meeting the main characters daughter. Sigh

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I know I'm sounding a little outside of the general consensus but is all Korean drama like this? Super dramatic screaming fits and villains that act like they've just stepped off stage from a school production of west side story and don't even get me started on the depiction of the hedonistic westerners. There were parts that were okay and a few soap opera twists but I really don't see why everyone is losing their shit over this...but then again I didn't particularly like parasite. Maybe Korea is just too alien to me or maybe I'm just a bit of a privileged middle aged white guy and I don't understand the medium.

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Another hyped social media tv show, really not that good, when the “vips” came in it was a no no for me. That was such bad acting.

But i know all you netflix users have 0 good stuff so every new show is hyped.

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Wow! This was a very good show. This would be the kind of "Big Brother House" I could get behind (j/k).

But that is pretty much exactly what this is - only instead of voting people out of the house everyone gets killed instead . There were a couple of twists, one I was blindsided with, and the other should have been obvious early on but I missed it.

Can't wait to see what they do with season 2.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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A good series but doesn't live up to the hype. Dragged on too long I think. Could have been a 7 ep long series if some of the clutter was removed. The ending was quite anti-climactic. The protagonist meeting the old man and he essentially saying "it was just a game bro, why you so mad" was a little too underwhelming. But I am glad they went with that instead of making up something to appear that it all had some deeper spiritual meaning or a big secretive conspiracy. Another small thing, but some of the characters were just too out of character. They kept getting surprised by what was happening even after coming back to the place having already witnessed the first game and the mass murder of 200 people. Having said all that, it was quite enjoyable watch.

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Half the episodes would've been better too much overdramatic dialogue. The idea is very good but also over used. Too slow for me.

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It's a living proof that democracy and popular cultur is trash.

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Honestly, I don't understand the boom for this series... I know ppl want to know next games and that's why they are watching this. But I couldn't look at the mistakes. Policeman with cellphone that has immortal battery. He also sends 10 movies and photos to his officer, but doesn't include GPS data xD Also the leader always says "you are all equal, it must be justice in the game" - later he gives totally random game (glass bridge) and turns off the light when there is someone who can recognize which one is right. And the VIPs. I don't know why they introduced these ppl. If they were from the beginning then ok, but they appeared somewhere in the end introducing nothing to the plot of the film. For me 6/10 because they had pretty unique idea for the movie.

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If you think that a good story should have a good ending, I recommend skipping this one

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it’s the fact that I’ve never cried that hard in my life for me

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At the end, Squid Game amounts to a thin commentary on capitalism and a bunch of the oldest cliches in "intense" stories. It's partly the audience fault to rely on big plot twists. You are not really missing that much if you decide not to watch this, maybe, just the conversation of the week.

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This was a great series I really liked it but I hated that ending.

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I think it was overrated and hyped up way too much. it's still a good show and definitely captured your attention but it just wasn't as good as everyone said it was. I didn't get the obsession.

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Very good idea with a very bad execution. Lots of boring scenes, the whole series could be a few episodes shorter. Some details and events do not make any sense. Obvious things were emphasized either by flashbacks or by actors saying it aloud as if the viewer is retarded. Majority of characters are idiots - I am not sure if this was an intention, because they all had their life in shambles, so it could have been meant as an explanation behind it. I do not really recommend the show even though I liked the idea. If you decide to watch it, do not be afraid to play it faster and skip long scenes.

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I haven't been hooked to a TV show like that since Prison Break.
You might hear that Squid Game is a violent TV show but there's honestly so much more to remember from it.
There's lot of morality about the human race and how far people can go for money.
For me it was definitely the best thing on television this year :100:

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I rarely give a show a 10... But this one deserves a 10+ Wow! pure perfection :hearts:

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Wow, a scifi soap opera. They took good concepts from another movies and mix poorly, if you are not a Netflix era person, you will get all the movies where they stole the concepts characters. Netflix is becoming the cancer for entertaiment.

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I immensely liked this show, it was a little bit of Hunger Games and Battle Royale. The story was exciting, the games were cool and interesting, and the characters were life-like. I guess this is the main reason I loved this show - there were no kdrama bs, no romance no nothing we got used to in other kdramas. This was an awesome tv show, with great side stories, and although sometimes the acting was off, or the dialogues were clichés, overall the drama did an awesome job to hook its viewers. Favorite characters were the old man and the north korean girl, favorite games were the first one (the moving, not moving) and the marbles.
MInus 2 points for the ending, because it is such a bad way to close - it was not logical for our main character to act like that. :( Apart from this, it's still a better kdrama. Dark, gritty but it hooks the viewers instantly.

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quits boring if you ask me

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So... Is there gonna be another season?

The whole thing with the cop was left wide open.

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Shout by Tonydez415
BlockedParent2022-04-01T04:42:43Z— updated 2022-07-16T08:11:21Z

A tense and dramatic show where individuals compete to the death for a lifetime of riches. Some nice characters, dramatic moments, and worldbuilding. However, the last few episodes take a bit of the wind from the shows' sails. Still, an intriguing ride, one that will make you feel all sorts of emotions.

(+) Great characters, drama, and action
(+) Cool set design
(+) Great lore with some focus on South Korean culture
(+) Unpredictable plot and some great pacing keeps the viewer engaged from start to finish
(=) A weaker batch of final episodes, though nothing certainly "bad"
(-) Some plot moments are a bit frustrating with their lack of effective conclusion

Final Verdict: 8/10 (Great)

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I don't understand the enthusiasm for this tv show. Really boring. This show is so overrated.
After the first episode, I was curious andit became a calvary to watch until the end of the TV show.
And what about the end: pathetic.

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Fantastic tv show! I recommend it :)

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The Squid Game is so overrated, really.. But I still enjoyed this original idea
Could I've seen a better series ?

Yes, totally.. There are much better shows to watch
Was it a waste of time ?
No, it wasn't.
There was so much potencial, but it is nothing special
Music was good. Story was OK but nothing special.. Just only 7 child games ( I think) and some little sauce about the characters.
Cast was okey too.. Actors were good, but the characters were nothing special, only good..

Cast 7/10

Storytelling 7/10

Characters 7/10

Video Prouduction/Cut /Music 7/10

Environment 3/5

Conclusion 4/5

= 70%

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At the beginning I found it boring but as the minutes passed it started to hook me, I would give it a 10 but I didn't like the ending.

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I really don't understand why people think this is good..

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In my opinion, it deserves all the hype it got. I lost interest a little bit after he left the game, but obviously I kept watching and it only got soooooo much better after. It’s a good one to rewatch too, there are a lot of subtle things you don’t pick up the first time.

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Nothing new. To watch at x1.2. A lot of unclear mechanism about rules of the game

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I was expecting this to be weird Korean game show but turns out it's a really great story and the weird games fit in perfectly in the world

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Truly engaging and suspenseful. Must watch.

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Sometimes thought it was stupid, some ep. make the show worse than it needed to be.

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Some really great episodes and the show gets pretty dark

But it's been fairly over-hyped by people who have watched nothing else do this concept. It's a fairly tried and true plot that doesn't do much that is new. The set design and music was exceptional though, as was most of the acting. I liked the time I spent with it but it's pretty bog standard all things considered

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It is a very pumped show, popular only thanks to being on the most famous and easily accessible streaming platform in the world. It didn't really bring anything new to the table. I thought it would have been more focused on the game and horror stuff, but they chose to focus on the characters instead. Which is not a bad thing, but I literally watched it for the "horror aspects" of the series (which are very scarce).
It's also full of clichés and unfortunately has a terrible ending, made just so they could hint to a second season.
It's well made in terms of special effects, photography etc. and probably had a huge budget behind, but that's it.

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Another show about the rich and the poor. This series showed the basic human nature of being greedy, selfish, and indifferent when in a tight/difficult situation. In addition, this series also showed figuratively how the rich take advantage of the poor. However, this series remained on the line that the rich and the poor need each other in society.

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Alice in Borderland is so much better than this.

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Probably the most “meme” like tv series that has more people talking about than probably watching it. Mostly sad and depressive, leaving us with very hope on human life. There are no heroes and no victory. Just evil guys and poverty. The games are very intense but definitely 18+ but what hurts me the most in the show is the second episode. Poverty in Korea is terrible, but no one will be sharing this on social media.

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Everything about the show was really good until episode 7, the VIPS who turned out to be americans. Their acting was awful and the show would've been better without them.

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It's alright. Definitely doesn't live up to the hype. I predicted the majority of twists in the first few episodes. Looks really nice and is well shot, the mystery of the game and its creators was well done. The subplot with the cop went nowhere, it could have been removed with no loss to the story. The ending was terrible and egregious sequel bait, really frustrating. The main character is a bad person hasn't done enough to redeem himself by the end, why should I care about him? Just wrap up his story, it's over.

I would have preferred the games continue to be PvE instead of turning into some luck-based time trial of chaos with unclear rules, there wasn't much room for strategy in later episodes (there was but they chose not to strategise), and the rooms started to feel recycled and unfair. SAW did it better. I hope there won't be a second season, I won't be watching if it's just a retread of the first season.

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I quite enjoyed this show. Even though it is somehow like the Hunger Games and others in this genre, it was still rather different. The only thing that really did not work for me were the VIPs. Their dialogues were very unnatural and felt very out of place.

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it's baffling how the director knew about masterpieces like liar game (the manga) but still failed to implement any kind of intelligent gameplay. like even the rather stupid games that were chosen could have been played a bit more cleverly or with more rule-bending. also, a lot of the story was predictable. i guess "violence sells" is the new "sex sells". however, even the violence was kinda boring. i'm not into gore but considering rich people are paying for watching people die, one would expect more death variations besides getting shot and falling to the ground. but overall a fun watch, just nothing special. but it gives me hope for a netflix adaption of liar game!

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The characters are well written, all the foreshadowing worked perfectly, & the character developments mostly paid off (exception : who Chinese buyers are or how did the soldiers started this side hustle selling the organs, or the guy in the surveillance room never got caught).

The show would have gotten a perfect 9 (out of 10) from me, only if these exceptions were cleared.

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Kinda disappointed. I feel about this show the same I felt about "Boku dake ga Inai Machi" TV anime before: it started off good, it could stay good, but instead, it chose not to.

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I don't know why this show hyped so much. :) they use some familiar patterns plus shocking violence which is we get used from Korean movies.

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Watched this on Netflix recently, before say anything though, I have to stress that you watch this in Korean with Subtitles as the dub is honestly one of the worst I've heard so far, and Netflix Dubs were already bad enough in the first place.

That aside, the first episode is very slow and does feel like you're watching what is going to be an absolutely garbage show. It took me a few turning off and putting back on again(s) before actually making it past the first 20 minutes. Once you're past that though, it is a very good show.

The ending could have been better and 001 turning out to be the host is a bit weird, but for what it was the ending was OK. I'm unsure how I feel about it being left on a kind of cliff hanger for a potential Season 02, as it would have been a good show to have been just one singular season, but we'll see what happens -- would be interesting to see if he goes back as a player to fuck with the system, or if Cheoni ends up becoming a player somehow.

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Great concept that was executed smoothly. Some small cliches were sprinkled around, (like brothers on opposite sides, lovers betraying each other, a player is not really player, etc) but they didn't oversaturate the storyline.

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This one is hard to score. Loved some episodes, liked others, but I still don't know how I feel about the ending. I can understand people criticizing the last episode, but saying that the show fell off after episode 6 is such an exaggeration. Episodes 7 and 8 were pretty good on their own right. And even the beginning of 9 was strong.
Also, I wasn't a fan of the cop storyline. The twist in episode 8 was obvious, pretty much emotionless, and overall it seemed to lead nowhere.
I honestly hope that there's never a S2 because I'm satisfied with what I got (although I doubt it).

Top 3 episodes of Squid Game:
1. Episode 2: Hell
2. Episode 6: Gganbu
3. Episode 7: VIPS

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It's basically metaphor for capitalism

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Establishes severely flawed yet likeable characters who radically change throughout the season along with logical reasoning for their participation in the games which prove to be absolutely brutal, abstract and surreal set design that makes it feel as if these characters are at the whim of an unknowable force, snappy and engaging dialogue that reveals loads about the characters followed by some incredible acting performances, great soundtrack that perfectly fit most scenes (Bonus points for getting Fly Me To The Moon), constant subversion of expectations all throughout and leaves plenty of room to further explore the people behind the event

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Insane ride from beginning to end. Well expect the unnecessary and shitty last 10 minutes setting up a sequel (and those weird ass cringy american VIPs). Everything else was balls to the wall entertaining.

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I loved the show but i don't know if a new season was necessary.

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Although It's old story but i like how show can makes you really love it and get emotionally connected, at this point you forget that it's old idea and you really enjoy it, so yup i really enjoyed watching this show and really moved my heart from his place mnay times, i felt sad and angry and many emotions that all of it prove it to me that this series done great job, so overall very good and hope there will be season 2

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Shout by Deleted

I just can't... Just binged the show and it's a devastating spectacle.

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the best part of this series was slap daddy and sangwoo being a manipulative sack of shit. the plot was nice too tho

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Great show, incredibly addicting. Bizarre and awesome, but with a terrible ending.

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It was fun to see, but way too overhyped. The English speaking actors were also terrible. I don't have high hopes for the second season.

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10 Feb , 2022 xxx xxx

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Shout by michele_pipi
BlockedParent2023-09-25T10:55:16Z— updated 2023-11-25T02:24:08Z

dont watch this btw m

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Had too many fillers in my opinion. Not really worth the watch

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Loved it. It shows that some of y’all aren’t used to Korean dramas.

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I'm actually putting this one under my horror list so that's saying something. I don't even know that I'll watch the second season. This was just too horrible in so many ways. I just not do cherish seeing human beings put in these kind of positions. And that's not saying that the show itself was bad. If I take feelings out of the equation, I thought it was well done. Every camera movement is a choice designed to draw that biggest emotion. It sure is slow at times but it's hard not to feel pulled in after an episode or two.

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Solid, dark show about how money and debt drives people to desperation. It falls into an odd middle ground of showing a lot of the logistics behind the game but not being so airtight as to feel totally logical. The characters and personal stakes are the most fun parts; the game itself relies more on shock value than substance to draw people in. A show worth watching, if not as good as the hype.

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In 2021, there are still movies and series where "brown people" are depicted as stupid people. Don't watch this racist series!

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Loved it! Definitely a one of a kind type show. I first few episodes are a little boring because they got to get the story started, but once it gets going you’ll be hooked.

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Overall a brilliant concept for a show and very interesting. Kind of lacked in the final episode

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Shout by Deleted

It was a good concept of a show, but why the ending and the what was the english speaking here:skull:

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My first entry into Korean TV and Film and I am blown away. a great commentary on wealth inequality and what the rich can get the poor to do for money. Great performances all around and writing was top notch. my only issue was with the ending as the pacing takes a big dive. 8/10 for premise and performance alone.

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Shout by AA

Kinda miffed I can't give a fraction of a score. I rounded this one up to a 9 but after mulling it over it felt more like an 8 to me. It's a solid, (for the most part) well-acted show that kept me on the edge of my seat.
I said for the most part because almost everyone's acting was superb. Almost. If you watch this you'll know who are the ones who downright suuucked.
Also: Korean voice-overs with subs.

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What's the Difference b/w someone without money to spend and someone with money but nothing to spend on ?


The plot is predictable ( except for the host ) but the games are unpredictable and thrilling !!

There were many hints along the story on how each of them is going to meet their end. The only smart ones are the 27 who didn't return back and everyone else suffered.

You can guess a bit about the top trio based on the interaction and there were some nice cameos from some A list actors Gong Yoo and Lee Byung Hun you could guess the Frontman but not the cast .

The production value was top notch as I have seen plenty anime with similar survival games but a well produced live action always beats an animation except may be HxH .

Overall its an enjoyable show and wish Netflix didn't drop S2 hints ... don't want this to become another Stranger things and Money Heist.

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Although dystopian and grim, this is a very fun watch.

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Squid Game is a wickedly entertaining survival drama with deadly twists and an engaging screenplay. Thanks to the stunning production quality, resolute performances by the entire cast, and a gripping narrative the nine-episode show is far beyond simple child's play. 456 broke people are game of survival is nothing unique but the way the writing and characterizations are executed is praiseworthy. Lee Jung‑Jae is formidable as Seong Gi‑Hun and equally good is Park Hae Soo as Cho Sang‑Woo. The depth of each character is magnificently showcased and at times makes you emotional too. Korean drama hype for me just got elevated with this show. The games are intense and keep you hooked until you finish the 6 games in a straightforward binge. If you are looking for something fresh, dark, and engaging Squid game is a must in your watchlist.

Telegram : @streamgenx
Full Reviews :

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I love k-dramas as a genre, and I was intrigued to see what they did to gain such attention.
Not disappointed. It has the gore of saw and cube (although not too shocking for those who watch "Grey's Anatomy" and "The Walking Dead" calmly while they eat), along with the sensitivity and character growth I love in the k-drama genres. Great combination for me. It is also take on the ideas presented by "Parasite", but with a quicker pace than the usual TV-Dramas from Korea itself (they usually have at least 12-16 episodes that last over an hour), so it's like they made the perfect mixture of East and West here. I really want to continue seeing how this genre evolves in South Korea to take over the world :)
As it happens with many series, the dropped the ball just a little towards the end and left some storylines unresolved, but the good acting, the music and the amazing visuals that immerse you in the game made up for it completely.

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One time watchable and story is kind of new. But still not that great.

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Yes, it’s as good as you heard.

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Amazing and touchy drama! Lessons to take for all lifetime!!

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the perfect show i will not elaborate

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The games where great other story horrible also dub xD

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definetly overrated, im starting to wonder if the ratings are also payed like on amazon.
still watchable though.

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Most overrated, over-hyped tv show ever, still worth a watch though.

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The series is mostly well done and gripping, no question. The music continues to haunt you and stays in your head.
You should definitely watch the series, but I don't quite understand the hype. Korea has so many series and movies to offer.
The ending was just a disappointment for me and the plot is just flat.
At the end it seems like the series should be finished very quickly. The author said in an interview that it took him six months to write the first episode, but in the end you don't notice it. Many points are not explained and the end is open, although a second season is probably not even planned.

But in the end you get a good series that's easy to watch with a fantastic cast and a few scenes that are really just fantastic.
The dubs are crappy and especially in German I'm about to puke.
The damn game is not called red light green light in the original or green light red light as in the German dubbing which makes even less sense.It just sounds like fucking shit and the Korean language is too beautiful to ignore.

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Apart from the occasional plot holes and poor performances by the VIPs , this was a pretty good thrilling, emotional ride! Solid 7.5/10

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