Shout by Daniel C. Noble

Squid Game 2021

It's alright. Definitely doesn't live up to the hype. I predicted the majority of twists in the first few episodes. Looks really nice and is well shot, the mystery of the game and its creators was well done. The subplot with the cop went nowhere, it could have been removed with no loss to the story. The ending was terrible and egregious sequel bait, really frustrating. The main character is a bad person hasn't done enough to redeem himself by the end, why should I care about him? Just wrap up his story, it's over.

I would have preferred the games continue to be PvE instead of turning into some luck-based time trial of chaos with unclear rules, there wasn't much room for strategy in later episodes (there was but they chose not to strategise), and the rooms started to feel recycled and unfair. SAW did it better. I hope there won't be a second season, I won't be watching if it's just a retread of the first season.

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