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Once Upon a Time

Season 1

From the creative team behind Lost comes the fantasy drama Once Upon a Time. In Season 1 a young boy named Henry seeks out his birth mother and attempts to convince her to come back with him to Storybrooke, Maine, in order to break a curse that transported the fairytale characters of the Enchanted Forrest to the real world and wiped them of their memories. The show is remarkably creative in how it re-interprets classic fairytales such as Snow White, Pinocchio, Cinderella, and Red Riding Hood, and in how it combines them into an interconnected story. Additionally, there’s some inspired casting in both the main cast and the guest stars that brings an incredible amount of charisma to the series. However, ABC undercuts the show (as they so often do) with cheesy effects and green screen sets. Yet the storytelling is so compelling and well-done that it’s easy to overlook the production issues. Once Upon a Time is an amazingly imaginative show, and it delivers an extraordinary adventure in its first season.

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Shout by Deleted

Rewatched season 1, after watching season 6 (not the end of the series, but the end of the story started here). It's interesting to see how things were built on the foundation season 1 set, each season adds more and more twists to the lore like an overstuffed Christmas tree, some of it ingenious some of it a bit of a mess (though I enjoyed it all except the Neverland arc)... but here in season 1 when things are simple and there was a tonal difference between Past and Present the show was perhaps at it's strongest.

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7,22/10 (personal rate for this season)

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I love how they've managed to link slightly adjusted common fairy tales into one big magical world, and continuing a consistent link to our "real" world.
Fantastic series, can highly recommend it.
Next up, season 2 ;)

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The concept is smart and I love every episode. I also love the graphics and the plot.

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