Review by Will
BlockedParent2021-07-01T05:43:09Z— updated 2021-07-24T00:27:13Z


-WARNING: Spoilers Below-

Oh how I love this show! I've watched Season One now around 3 times, firstly back when it aired, secondly with my Mother and Sister and now my rewatch. Each time I fall in love with the show and it's magic draws me back in again.

My favourite part of this season is Rumple's mind games. I know it's such an easy thing to say is you favourite but my god does Robert Carlyle act incredibly! He absolutely carries this season which is incredibly difficult to do when he's surrounded by phenomenal actors and actresses!

My own personal complaint is Henry, when surrounded by all of these incredible Actors and Actresses I feel like he struggles to do his part and is the weak link, it makes sense seeing as he is younger but even when compared to the other child actors in the flashbacks he fails to impress. I find that when he is the lead in a scene he ends up making the scene quite... Uncomfortable which i feel is mean to say but it's the truth, hopefully as he grows up and matures he matures as an actor and starts carrying scenes better.

The best thing about this entire show is that there's no limits to who can come into the show, there's a way for any Disney character to come! I know it's impossible because they're PIXAR but imagine a season where an Astronaut crashes down in a desert and a cowboy finds him. It'd be such a cool way to introduce Woody and Buzz.

I absolutely can't wait to watch season 2, if you're reading this review before you've watched this season then let me tell you one thing... You're in for a treat!

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