Review by Alessandro Bonacina

Once Upon a Time

Season 1

I really enjoyed this season, I tried to watch it slowly but it became so addicting after a few episodes haha. Something big happens pretty much in each episode, so it made me anxious because the situation kept evolving and turning over, with new characters and pieces to the puzzle. I like how different famous fairytales characters are living together and modernized. I liked pretty much all the characters, even the "evil" ones, which have this role from the stories but I felt way less in the real world, where it seems they struggle more with their "good" side or past. They keep being mean and obscure, yes, but I feel like they also show they're not like this all the time and there are moments when I wasn't sure who's acting how. You know Regina is the evil queen and she's the perfect villain here, but when you see how she behaves for Henry, and her past, that's what I'm talking about. Same for Mr. Gold, even tho I think he's worse in fairyland than here, where he's more a mix between bad and good, more subtle and silent maybe. I like the jumps from fairytale to modern world, it perfectly slowly explains why things happen. It annoyed me SO MUCH that I know since episode 1 that they're all from fairytale world, but they don't know it yet, and there's always something missing or going wrong and it takes a while before they start remembering, while I was like "come ooooooon, you're so close" haha

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