Love this show, can't say any negative things about it, I just love it. It's constantly good and keeps me on edge because I haven't read all the books so I never know what is about to happen and I love how you can root for a character and it can take a position of favorite and they can still die.

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Really wish I got into this show AFTER the series was over so I don't have to wait a year for ten episodes

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What a stellar season opener. It felt like it went to quickly though. Blink and you might miss the amazingness.

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Shout by Deleted

a real comeback for the show! been waiting since ages for this!!

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I don't believe John Snow is dead..

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Shout by Deleted

a real comeback for the show! been waiting since ages for this!!

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Any News On The Start Date Of Season 6 ?

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I don't believe John Snow is dead..

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Ellaria Sand is really "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken"​.....

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How ugly the red woman is!!

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Great Season opener. I was so excited seeing Brienne kept her oath with the sword OathKeeper. Of all men and women who hold a sword, Brienne deserves the title Knight most.

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There's nothing better than coming home on a Monday, turning on your computer and hearing the Game of Thrones theme song for the first time that season. Damn, I missed this show.

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Shout by chair

A bit disappointed with them never showing us how Sansa and Theon survived that fall. But I got placated by Brienne being a fucking beast. I wish Daenerys got saved by her own fame and accomplishments instead of her dead husband's, but we all know that's an unrealistic scenario where dothraki are concerned. Drogon's gonna get them though.

But the real question here is is that how Melisandre actually looks under some magical disguise or was her youth the price for bringing Jon back. Honestly I presumed she's gonna channel the Shireen's death into the resurrection spell, because that sacrifice certainly did nothing for Stannis. But to be honest I'll be fine with whichever as long as they bring Jon Snow/Stark/Targaryen back.

I can't wait for the next episode. I need more right now.

Edit: Just remembered that a scene with Melisandre from the trailer wasn't in this episode. And she was alive and young there. That means she didn't give up anything and that's how she actually looks.

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Fantastic beginning! Too bad they are so short.

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Shout by Julliana

I was so looking forward to the start of the season and definitely didn't disappointed me. Everything now is so new, since the series doesn't follow the books anymore. The meeting of Sansa and Theon with Brienne and Pod, Cersei and Jaime together again, Daenerys is back with the Dothraki and Melisandre (!!!) were the highlights of the episode. Ellaria Sand and Sand Snakes scared me A LOT. I still can't believe that Jon will stay dead...

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Shout by Deleted

Ahhh shit what an awesome opening to the new season!

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Shout by Deleted

Damn it. I shouldn't have watched it. I always wait and then binge watch 5 episodes or the entire season. This is the first time I have to wait for a week for another episode. And I'm so going to watch that one cause I want to know what happens to Jon.

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So... Jon Snow is really dead (?)
Khaleesi is the fucking queen.
The red woman freaks me out!!!
She looks so old.
So many dead people and is just the first episode of the season.
Let's see how things go now.

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very good opener, let's hope the rest can follow it.

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Arya: Blind but not less powerful.

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Shout by Ro

Alliser: "You're right! We've committed treason, all of us. Jon Snow was my Lord Commander. I had no love for him. That was no secret. But I never once disobeyed an order. Loyalty is the foundation on which the Night's Watch is built. And the Watch means everything to me. I have given my life, we have all given our lives to the Night's Watch. Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. He let the wildlings through our gates as no Lord Commander has ever done before. He gave them the very land on which they reaved and raped and murdered. Lord Commander Snow did what he thought was right, I've no doubt about that. And what he thought was right would have been the end of us. He thrust a terrible choice upon us. And we made it."

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Shout by Deleted

The annual game of 'who's that again?' begins. It's good to be back! And hey, Melisandre becomes interesting - Never would have thought that.

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Shout by tiagoaph

Maybe it's because the show is not based on the books anymore (at least most parts), but the ambience felt kinda different. Still liked it very much, and that final scene hit me pretty hard, although it had been hinted for very long.

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Yes, game of t. is back!

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I hope that now Sansa has a little peace, what a journey she suffered. And the scene in which she finally accepted Brienne's help was beautiful.

I am proud of Davos, he defends Jon and faces the traitors without fear.

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Shout by Mounir

loved seeing Sansa bring rescued, and that ending i'm still shocked by!!! well now i can't eat.Thanks G.o.T

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Shout by mg_grey

I just liked the part about Sansa and whatsername. and melisandre. all in all. it's like I didn't watch anything at all.

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Shout by vanilla_chief

A strong season beginning. For many characters the hopes get up. I am very optimistic about Team Sansa-Brienne. But the most interesting plot-location for me is King's Landing, where Cersei is back in the game, with Jamie on her side. Key-quote: "Fuck prophecy, fuck fate, fuck everyone except us" This should be the new motto of house Lannister. The Dorn-Location had an interesting development. Furthermore i liked how Danni made a proverbial full circle and is now back with the Dothrakis, i thought she gotten too powerfull over the last seasons. Over all i am on my edge for the developments this season awaits us. I just fear they will make the same mistakes, like last season (rape-sences without further meaning etc.). But i think, from what i saw this episode, the writers and creators listend to the critics and are now back on track.

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Episodes need more running time from now on to catch up with the events,as we only get a glimpse of everything,which is not enough obviously... Still a nice season premiere! I am looking forward for the next episode!

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Decent episode, did a good job of showing what each characters up to, even if it was just showing them for 3-5 minutes, great to have the show back! Let the games continue...

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The scene with Brienne swearing fealty to Sansa was really moving.

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quite a short one. glad sansa is with brienne.
btw, wassup with the reunions, like i wanna see a reunion so bad ... like i'd really like jon to meet arya or sansa or both.

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Start by placing the characters for the season, it placed some and others place them, the last scene has surprised me

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So Red may bring back snow but the aging problem looks draining. The kings wife being forced to confess WTF? The new king is a wimpy piece of crap, I want Jeofry back (i know i spelled his name wrong, no spell check" This bullshit wouldn't be happening if he was king . the full army would end that cult shit. This show answered a few questions but for the most part had me asking twice as many questions, but with EVERYONE acting like wimps, except for the true knight, Breanna I didn't think it really went anywhere. Gave it a 5 out of 10, just not constructive. Shit better start up next week, cause the old woman shit, not very suprising, no cliff hangers at all.

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Shout by Saltfish

This episode has it all, from small and forgivable mistakes such as randomly disappearing attack dogs to plot-breaking and totally unrealistic killing of characters who could have been interesting and worth keeping alive. It's clear now that the show's creators don't really understand the source material and they are now trying to improvise some fanfiction to hold their story together. They are trying too hard to add shock value by killing off characters who haven't really been developed enough for anybody to be shocked about their deaths. The episode's ending was also trying to go for shock value, but ended up quite random and unnecessary. Most actors and production values are still good as ever, but even those can't carry a flawed story.

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Shout by Deleted

Lmfao @ 'Jon Snow is dead'. You tried it, blurb writers!

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Bad bad bad...just,55 minhtes of literaly NOTHING,if you ask me what happened in that episode,nothing nothing sansa gets saved,nothing nothing naked old lady.

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It keeps going where they left it, i feel like i had too much hype and i got a bit disappointed

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Fantastic episode, I can't wait for the next episode.

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Shout by Deleted

Finally!!! The date start season 6 is April 24

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It’s too bad they killed Dr. Bashir. I was hoping to see more of him.

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Not as strong as the season 4 opener but better than anything from season 5 lol

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Shout by Deleted

This show is haunting me!!!! every time a season ends, im like waiting for Jesus!!!!!

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Yes kingsmoot!
I totally though they were just gonna skip this somehow.
This gives me hope for other storylines :)

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Shout by Deleted

I'm a big fan of the show and the books. It's th worst episode ever : bad shortcuts, very slow and grotesque fight scenes.

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Shout by Deleted

Doran was a such a great strategist! I'm shocked that they killed him off. That's another massive deviation they've made from the books.

The book readers obviously knew about Melisandre's age and her 'glamor' that disguises it. So, no surprises there.

Arya is clearly on her way to becoming a Faceless (Wo)man.

Deviation from the books again, but it was cool to see Brienne saving Sansa. I wonder if they'll ever introduce Lady Stoneheart in the show. She seemed pretty important.

Why in the world didn't they show Bran?

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can't wait till 24th

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