+Blind Arya was decent
+Brienne fight was pretty good

Ok Parts
*Meereen was okay, nothing that new but it didn't do anything wrong either
*the Cersei and Margaery scenes were just unnecessary, I guess the Margaery one might prove to be more meaningful as the season goes on but there really wasn't much there.
*The Melisandre "spoiler" isn't really a spoiler to book readers and really wouldn't be all that surprising even for those who didn't read. It doesn't change anything at all if you think about it. It just adds a bit of backstory to her.
*Other Night's Watch stuff was okay, Davos' actor takes a leading role as he should.

-Dorne went off the deep end, that part of the story is dead to me. They fucked it up beyond recognition.
-The Dothraki parts were just more surface level bullshit, it's not really surprising, we all know that it's not really going to result in her being in real danger and Danaerys is going to get freed by her dragon(s) it's just a bit of a time waster. The best we can hope for is that she is either humbled by the experience or driven off the edge of sanity like many of her ancestors and we get crazy Dany running around for a season or two before Bran pacifies her.
-This episode was supposed to be the Kingsmoot

to elaborate a bit more, the Sand Snakes would've been killed immediately when trying such an idiotic move and the confirmation that Quentyn does not exist in the show (nor does Doran's plan to bring back Dany with the Golden Company at her side) makes Doran a non-issue rather than a long game planner who legitimately has a chance at grabbing significant power. Why the fuck would they cut such an important player out of the game? it makes no sense. Using the Sand Snakes makes even less sense, you can't tell me that Dorne is going to even consider following them after the series of idiotic decisions they've made. The reason why it is frustrating that this episode was not "kingsmoot" is because the Kingsmoot was the best part of the books in my opinion. it holds the best in ASOIAF banter/dialogue, it holds political consequences that you really cannot accurately calculate at the time, and it is a huge turning point where we go from Lannister/Tyrells dominating with chaos in Dorne and the North to another big contender entering the competition. There's still some hope that Euron and Victarion will enter the series but it gets more and more doubtful the further they push them back and it's almost confirmed now that Quentyn, Aegon, and the Golden Company are cut from the show.

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At least someone else on this site gets it. I don't understand how people can watch this show and praise it in its current state.
