Review by Narendran

Great Season premiere. Glad to have Game of Thrones back. I'm gonna enjoy these Mondays again :D
Man i hope Jon snow does come back :( That smug on Olly's face, Ughh Want to see him get stabbed so bad. Just you wait you little shit. I'm gonna love Davos this season. Ser Davos loves his Mutton :P
"Fuck Prophecy, Fuck Fate, Fuck everyone who isn't us". This has gotta be House Lannister's new motto as Christopher van der Meyden pointed out XD
Did not see Doran and Trystane Martell getting killed there, damn. And what were the snakes doing in his boat? Wasn't Trystane with Jamie and Bronn?
The stuff with Sansa and Breinne intrigued me. That's gonna be really exciting to see. Surely thought i'd get to see Bran this episode though.
Arya's gonna be more of a badass this season. I just know it. Did her blindness improve her ability to hear? Kinda like Daredevil :P I would totally watch a spin off show based on that "Oysters, Clams and Cockles, attorneys at law" XD

Could watch an entire episode based on only Tyrion and Varys and i wouldn't get bored. ^_^

Of course. Wouldn't be a GoT episode without a naked Mellisandre. But that ending. What just happened :O

GoT as always keeping the fans at the edge of their seats. Loved the episode. 8.5/10

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