Shouts about...

Game of Thrones 2011

Seasons 1-4 - Excellent
Season 5 - Meh
Season 6 - Great
Season 7 - Meh
Season 8 - Dumpster fire

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Entertaining but cliched and highly overrated. Way too many sex and torture violence exploitation scenes... I can just imagine the producers sitting down with the directors saying I think we need to have some more sex in this episode we haven't had any for over half an hour. Some of the characters have multi dimensions but some of them have one dimension and they are just purely evil people who enjoy torturing others, which is idiotic in my opinion. Very frequently decisions are made by the characters which are illogical and stupid and obviously just have to happen because it makes the story more dramatic... but one feels exploited in moments like these. by in large it is very entertaining and well made but the pituitary fighting scenes are extremely boring and are designed, obviously, for teenage boys. 7/10.

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Big loss... it was one of my favourites until sixth season. I really loved it so I'm really disgusted because they basically ruin it... they had a great story, great actors... great all! And at the end they fucked it.

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Season 1 was interesting, season 2 was awful, season 3 was not really bad at all. If I would have watched season 2 before season 3, I would have stopped around episode 4 and never watched this show again. Thank the writers for Khaleesi, she's the only reason I continue to watch at this point.

So many plot holes, such horrible writing, boring drama, action is only near the end of each episode as to manufacture a cliff hanger. And the biggest issue I have is the complete ignorance to time. How long does it take to walk, compared to riding, etc? I have 3 seasons of Gotham coming up next, but getting through the next 3 seasons of GOT my be impossible.

I would not recommend this show.

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I have never been so bored watching a tv show. Even The Sopranos was better than this, and that was bad!

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Worst show of all time. Fantasy garbage with that typical HBO porn trash flare. Pass on it or just hate watch it. Very poor show.

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Note of Denial to self : This show ended after S06.
S07 and S08 don't exist.

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A very nice and interesting movie I'd like to watch

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Awsome,where? Here is the place

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I had to downgrade the rating form 10 -> 9 all is because of Season 8, this is how you almost ruin the best show in the world...!
Chapeau Breaking bad :)

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And here it is: the end of the biggest television show of all time.

Seasons 1-4 are (close to) perfect.
Seasons 5-6 are where some of the cracks start to appear, with some filler episodes that don't build a lot of character. However, they're still great seasons nonetheless.
Seasons 7-8 are good, not great. They have certain pacing (rushed developments, teleportation of characters) and writing issues (plot armour, unsatisfying & unearned conclusions etc.). It is especially the level of production that elevates these seasons above average television.

Am I also unsatisfied with how they handled certain characters at the very end? Absolutely.
Do I think, however, that they mostly stuck the landing? Yes.

S1: 9.5/10; S2: 9/10; S3: 9.5/10; S4: 10/10; S5: 8/10; S6: 8/10; S7: 7/10; S8: 7/10
Overall rating: 8.4/10

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I really don't understand why this is so popular. It's boring, horribly slow, the story repeats itself again and again, terrible acting.... Why? Oh I really tryed watching it, thinking "it must be me; it must be good; do your best; make an effort", but I after season 1 I still couldn't find anything that entertained me, not even a bit. It just annoyed me. So just keep the hype going without me!

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I have seen season 1,2 and 3. But I can't get myself to continue. The series is beautifully made, it really is. But I just can't seem to get into the story.

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Shout by Deleted

Keeps definitely keeps me interested. It's getting better every season. But to me - it's not genuine fantasy - it lacks heart. I know this is may sound controversial. But many seasoned fantasy-fans agree.

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Shout by Deleted

there has not been a war scene in forever, getting a little boring

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anyone know when S4 will air?

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Winter is coming..... in less than 24 hours :D

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Guys, wait until you see seasons 3 and 4. They're going to be the best seasons of this show, if the book is any indication!

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Gonna give this a shot over the weekend. Heard so much about it.

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Brilliant series only let down by series8

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If I could go back in time and not watch this show I would. Production and actors aside, this show is trash. They had it in the first season but continues to fade and fade each season thereafter. Knowing the highs and lows of the series, having watched it all, it was worse than a waste of time. There are banger and that can't be denied. The bangers do not outweigh the multiple plot fuck ups, unnecessary grape scenes, sloooooow story lines, and maybe one of the worst endings of all time. Fuck this show. I will never watch a show by these creators again.

Advice to you - if you've avoided it this long go watch something else! Fucking watch Lord of the Rings. Fuck this show.

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Based on the most vast and well defined fantasy worlds with grim reflections of our own history, since J.R.R. Tolkiens Middle Earth; Game of Thrones takes us through the events and history of Westeros bringing myth to life, while the wheel turns and crushes the lives of many others. The Song of Fire and Ice brought to life in the darkest of times. For the night is dark and full or terrors, & winter is coming.

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Was a great show, until it wasn’t.

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First 4 seasons were really good, 5 and 6 have their problems but 7 is when it gets a lot worse. (Season 8 doesn't exist lol).
Don't think I would ever rewatch this because I know how terribly it ends.

And NO WAY I'm hearing anyone out who says this is better than Breaking Bad, that show was perfect from start to finish. How are you gonna compare BB to a show, that has 8 seasons and the writing goes to shit after 4 seasons?

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The Stark mongrels all deserved to be deskinned just as much as all the Lannister subhumans. That's about all I have to say about this show. Sansa Stark may have been the most vile of them all. Everyone knew what the Lannisters were, but she connivingly worked her way into an undeserved seat of power. She should've had her skull bashed in, instead. At the end, the people of color and a woman win two wars and bring peace to the realm, and the whites decide to betray and murder the woman, and tell the people of color that they'll die, if they enforce justice for the murder of their queen. They should've slaughtered all those white mongrel subhumans right there in the dragon pit, starting w/ the Starks.

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This show could have been my favorite if it wasn't for the unfortunately bad final season

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A a a a a 89

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this show is simlply great

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Finished series the night it ended.

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Honestly one the most brilliant shows of ALL TIME

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Plot (Story Arc and Plausibility): 9,2/10
Personal Enjoyment (Premise & Entertainment Value): 9,6/10
Acting (Characters Performance): 10/10
Cinematography (Environment, Setting, and Wardrobe): 10/10
Editing (Pace & Effects): 9,5/10
Music and Sound (Sound Design & Film Score): 10/10
Story (Vision & Execution): 9,9/10
Characters: 10/10
Protagonist: 9/10
Antagonist: 9,5/10
Deuteragonist: 10/10
Ending: 3/10

Season 1. 9/10
Season 2. 10/10
Season 3. 9,3/10
Season 4. 10/10
Season 5. 9/10
Season 6. 9,4/10
Season 7. 9,3/10
Season 8. 6,5/10
Overall Assessment: 9,3/10

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Best moments are S1-S6 . Skip s7 and s8

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Peak show ( S1-4 are the best piece of media )

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This is like Mass effect games. Mostly amazing, sometimes disappointing...with an ending that ruins the entire ride.

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The ending is good, actually.

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one of the top shows of 2011. so many twist and turns it kept me watching till the end.

ending wasn't the best but it definitely was "bitter sweet" as told.

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first few seasons are an 11/10, just astounding world building and enthralling characters. the ending definitely screws the pooch and frankly almost ruins the entire thing, but it's still worth a watch

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Shushed dheheh hehehe hehehe hehrhr

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Seasons 1 to 4 were arguably among the best TV ever created. But the show steadily went downhill after they went past the books and it became clear the writers were in way over their heads. Seasons 5 and 6 were decent, season 7 was bad, and season 8 was one of the worst seasons of television ever put to screen. Just unbelievable. D & D should seriously rethink their career choices after that finale.

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I watched the first 3 season's when they came out as well as reading the first two books, this show and the books are overhyped and complete non-sense. Now I've given it a chance and watched all 8 seasons, and my opinion of the show is the same... each season has 1-2 episodes that are good with both action and solid story telling... GOT for me is a fantastic character study with very bad and bland world building.

I honestly wish I liked it more, but it doesn't hit a standard of writing I'm use to with fantasy realms like this.

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If it wasn't for the last season, this could have been the goat.

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After season 1 I couldn't get back into it. I didn't like how season 1 ended and it was hard to continue watching season 2 because it was a bit boring. After a few years and seeing others praise this show so much I wanted to see what it was about. It was hard to get through season 2, but it was worth it. The seasons afterwards were amazing. This is one of my favorite shows now and I'm glad I've finished it.

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Thank v it b video iuu DDC I f I

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Excellent until season 8 (words)

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Excellent show but I didn’t read the books. I think it should be watched in one shot, the first time I saw it I had to wait 1 year between 2 seasons and forgot a lot each time. I watched every seasons before watching the last one and I did not regret it!

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Typical period piece drama, slow, lackluster and with many replaceable actors.
Nothing special to see here unless you enjoy simpler entertainment

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Shout by Deleted

well gotta rewatch this shit

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It really hooks you on. The story, the characters.. Everything was perfect, until the end got too confusing me to handle, no idea why they eventually decided to go that way with the ending. Anyways it was a blast watching this.

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They managed... by the gods, they managed to fuck it up!

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Cast 10/10
Storytelling 10/10
Characters 10/10
Video Prouduction/Cut 10/10
Environment 5/5
Conclusion 3/5
Without season 8 = 96%

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Brilliant and unmissable show until the final season where they wrecked years of work. final season seemed rushed and botched, disappointing.

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The first 6.5 seasons were really great, often truly amazing. The last 1.5 seasons were poor. The last 1 season was terrible. The last 0.5 season was just an utter disappointment that made me really sad. Overall, still one of the best TV series in the world.

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Perfect series but the 8th season is a huuuuuge disappointment

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I know i know the final season is pretty bad...... This does not take away how amazing the show is overall. I just recently rewatched this entire series again and was shocked with just how good this show was. I would honestly recommend rewatching it.

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Where do I put code?

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It can be x rated so if you have younglings censor. Otherwise one of the best shows ever. even though its not based on any real kingdom from days of old it did seem a bit familiar. FX were incredible, the acting superb. Peter Dinkage / Tyrion Lanaster was excellent in this, I had seen him before in a few things but had no idea he could act on this level.

Even though I understand why it ended the way it did, I hated the ending and think they could have done it differently. Nonetheless, this is a top notch series and should be on your must watch list. Spoiler it is graphic castles knights skewering knights, brothels, full nudity frequently, but magical and some of the best dragon effects and battle effects Ive seen.

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I hoped the show isn't over, but the winter is coming.

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absolutely the most amazing show ever!

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good, entertaining, but flawed and disappointing at the messy end. this show is good but nowhere near as good as the ratings suggest. 7/10 max.

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just testing the comment feature hehe

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First 4 seasons, perfect narrative, dialogue and consequence. 10/10. Seasons 5 and 6, complete dip in all around quality with enough published foreshadowing and plot points from George to get by. 7/10. Seasons 7 and 8, dumpster fire with zero narrative consequences, no consistent character action nor any redeemable arc conclusions. The cinematography and production earns the entirety of the final seasons 4/10. Impossible to give this "complete" story anything above a 7. Completely betrays the characters and the audience.

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Great show! Ending pretty bad but great overall! 7/10

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Create a character you root for, kill him off, rinse and repeat. Sure, it is technically, as in acting and special effects, a good show but the story is just crap.

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I love to be watching this right now

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Shout by Megaturtles10
BlockedParent2020-11-02T22:29:31Z— updated 2021-05-22T14:36:28Z

S1 9/10 s2 10/10 s3 8.5/10 s4 8/10

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Fantastic show! I recommend not skipping any episodes. Put on your seatbelt and hang on!

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For me, it's the best show ever even with the sharp decline after they ran out of original source material

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How to ruin a show 101

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how to ruin a show 101

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how to ruin a show 101

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Shout by Deleted

No matter how it ended. It would still be one of the Greatest shows ever. First in my top ten.

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(Don't mind me, just thinking out loud)

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Been living under a rock?..... Bored of fake news....? Havn't watched GOT?!!!!! Get on with it.... Up there in my top 10 all time.... Fantastic!!!!

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This was a fabulous show.

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Great show and addictive loved it

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Seven noble families fight for control of the mythical land of Westeros. Friction between the houses leads to full-scale war. All while a very ancient evil awakens in the farthest north. Amidst the war, a neglected military order of misfits, the Night's Watch, is all that stands between the realms of men and the icy horrors beyond.

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While this fantasy stuff isn't usually my cup of tea, I have to admit I absolutely loved seasons 1-7. Too bad they rushed the final season. This series deserved a way better ending than what it got...

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Totally Awesome i luv it

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I hope they make some more Game of Thrones episodes.I never get sick of watching Game of thrones this show and the creatures they made up are plain awesome and we all want more

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Shout by Deleted

I watche every season,im a big fan

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Shout by Deleted

Thats one of my favorite tv series ,i watch every season

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Unlike most of the social group-think crowd out there, I LOVED season 7. In fact, seasons 6, 5, & 7 (in that order) are my favorite seasons. I absolutely HATED seasons 1, 2, & 3 and season 4 was only moderately viewable for me after episode 4, I'm mostly indifferent to season 4. Season 5 is where I became a fanboy of the series, though. And that's not to say that seasons 1-4.3 were "bad" seasons. Only that I don't/didn't care for that particular type of storytelling, which stems from a larger problem I have with The Song of Ice and Fire in general. 3.5 seasons/books of "...But I'm the rightful ruler of Westeros..." plotting was so nauseating; for me; to watch/sit through/read. But season 8 is simply a travesty of biblical proportions. It IS bad, it IS uninspired, it IS lazy, it IS disrespectful and it down right cheapens the entirety of the series when taken as a whole. The season 8 farce is the reason I can only give this series a 7-heart rating.:disappointed:

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8 - Great

This would've gotten a 20 if it hadn't been for the... less than stellar last seasons. Such a great show the first 4 seasons and you never knew where it was going to go to but after the show ran out of book material it got a bad less, still good, but not on the amazing level the first 4 seasons where. What a show.

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I loved it, one of the best tv series I have ever seen and a must watch for everyone.

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Ramsey getting torn apart by his own dogs is my favorite scene of the whole series.

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Nice keep it up loved it

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This show could have been so much better with less of the abundance of sexuality and a complete rewrite of the final season. That was horrible. So bad I immediately sat down and rewrote the script just so I could quickly forget about what was done.

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I truly loved it but the last season devasted me :triumph:

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Rate this as a 10. I enjoyed & had no problem with buffering.

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Wonderfully Good in clearing picture & lines.

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Loved it I mean I hated watching the last season but all I do is watch history of Westeros. Lol. Indeepgeek. And order of the green hand so I would have hated it no matter what I've read the books some 4 times some less each around 2 times tho all of them from song of fire and ice and there other books . I'm hardcore when it comes to this world so ya. I dunno it's great but it's hard to enjoy a final season of something u love no matter how it goes

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"Last season sucked!"
"The end sucks!"
Sorry, I prefer to be positive and as someone who is involved in the creative work as a writer I think that they made their best. You can have your opinion, that's mine!

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Somebody asked me,"should i watch it? i hear the last season was awful". You absolutely should. The last season is bad mostly by comparison and by its own high standards, but the series was declining in quality since it stopped following the books, so it was expected (for me at least). This is the greatest fantasy series ever and one of the greatest of any kind. A must watch.

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Fantastic Brilliant and Awesome to watch from start to End

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"Game of Thrones" is a dark fantasy story about the way in which power corrupts, and everyone, even our biggest heroes, fail us. It is fantasy, but it is adult fantasy. Highly political, violent, dark, and sexual. What makes "Game of Thrones" so great though is that it has created an incredibly epic fantasy world, but still seems so similar to our own. Most of the show is about human desire, and what they will do for love, power and sex. "Game of Thrones" is full of great writing, fantastic character development, awesome build up, and powerful, intense scenes of action, suspense, and emotion. Unfortunately, "Game of Thrones" falls completely off a cliff when it hits season 8, which likely is the only reason it got a 9 instead of a 10 for me. I understand why for some people this ruined the show, but for me, seasons 1-7 were probably the best television I have ever watched (or very close to), and to me, "Game of Thrones" remains an amazing accomplishment.

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That was great except the last episode :(

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At first I didn't get what the fuss was about. Then, I watched the first episode. I was sold! Sure, It may not always be perfect, but it's a really tremendous show.

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The dead of Ned Stark was probably the most surprising one from all the series I watched, I saw GoT on a COMPLETLY LEGAL streaming plataform and started watching... somehow I had never heard of it before. I kinda knew the series was gonna be good from the first few episodes but I still I was 110% sure than some Deus Ex Machina type shit would happen and save need, needless to say that Joffrey destroyed all of my hope.

Still this series could have easily been a masterpiece, but it started getting worst on season 5, than I thought everything was fine because on season 6 it got good again... but then season 7 and 8 came in complety killing almost everything that was built until that point.

It could've been a masterpiece, but it isn't.


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With already way over 300 comments I am not sure one more will matter but I make the effort anyway.

I've waited 5 years, until the show finished, to watch it in one piece. I actually managed not to know anything about the plot. But, all the time wondering: will it be worth it? From where I stand the answer is a confident "NO". Every season I was looking to convince me to continue until I finally couldn't any longer in season 4.

The production, without doubt, is probably one of the best ever done for TV. That I will like to admit. The cast is splendid. But the story could not get me excited in any way. Half of the time it was interesting while the other half is more like a highly praised soap opera (yeah, call me names but I stand behind that).

Reading how the show ended and what even the ones who love this show think about it, I guess I made the right decision. I don't know of another show that has such a drop in the avarage ratings for it's final season.

Well, there are many other things to watch now.

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One of the best shows I've seen. The last season however was admittedly bad. I wish they just extended the show. :cry:

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