Shout by Blakblu

Game of Thrones 2011

Season 1 was interesting, season 2 was awful, season 3 was not really bad at all. If I would have watched season 2 before season 3, I would have stopped around episode 4 and never watched this show again. Thank the writers for Khaleesi, she's the only reason I continue to watch at this point.

So many plot holes, such horrible writing, boring drama, action is only near the end of each episode as to manufacture a cliff hanger. And the biggest issue I have is the complete ignorance to time. How long does it take to walk, compared to riding, etc? I have 3 seasons of Gotham coming up next, but getting through the next 3 seasons of GOT my be impossible.

I would not recommend this show.

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@blakblu ok, I've watched seasons 4, 5, and 6 now. Season 5 wasn't that great but still good. Season 4 was awesome. Season 6 was perhaps the best season of any show ever. And I watch a lot of tv. I can't wait for season 7, and I am now completely devoted to this show. Awesome! I love the dragon queen, Little Fingers, and the Hound, while I can't get enough of Aria Stark. She maybe the best character on any TV show ever, even better than Sheldon on Big Bang.

I anticipate the Hound getting to fight the Mountain, that's gonna be great!

@blakblu So I kept watching, because of all the hype from others. Boy am I glad that I did. Arya Stark is by far my favorite character, second is The Hound. When they were together I was glued to the TV, now that they are apart I love the show even more. I had to give a whole new ranking. It was a 6, now I rank this show a 9. Big jump, I now, but it deserves it. Jon Snow was boring, now I see his true destiny. Cersei is the best villian in a while, her developement is amazing. I could go on about how much I like seasons 3, 4and 6, but I may give out spoilers. Anyways, great show.
