Game of Thrones 2011

Unlike most of the social group-think crowd out there, I LOVED season 7. In fact, seasons 6, 5, & 7 (in that order) are my favorite seasons. I absolutely HATED seasons 1, 2, & 3 and season 4 was only moderately viewable for me after episode 4, I'm mostly indifferent to season 4. Season 5 is where I became a fanboy of the series, though. And that's not to say that seasons 1-4.3 were "bad" seasons. Only that I don't/didn't care for that particular type of storytelling, which stems from a larger problem I have with The Song of Ice and Fire in general. 3.5 seasons/books of "...But I'm the rightful ruler of Westeros..." plotting was so nauseating; for me; to watch/sit through/read. But season 8 is simply a travesty of biblical proportions. It IS bad, it IS uninspired, it IS lazy, it IS disrespectful and it down right cheapens the entirety of the series when taken as a whole. The season 8 farce is the reason I can only give this series a 7-heart rating.:disappointed:

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