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Doctor Who: Season 12

12x02 Spyfall (2)

this episode was better than entire season 11. please get new non brit blokes , Ryan is annoying AF

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I liked it. It was better than the first half. One of this Doctor's best episodes. The only thing I didn't like was the laser shoes.

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The story is actually quite nice when you look at both episodes together, at the end of the first one I wasn't very impressed but I'm glad it changed. Some don't like the new writing, I don't know, it's just a bit different, two episodes is a bit too soon to judge IMHO. I can't leave out that I really like the improvement in CGI and sets compared to the 11th Doctor, looks great on a big screen.

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Chibnall still can't conclude a story to save his life. (Even his rightly lauded Broadchurch had weak endings). Slightly less logic fails in the second part but the second part suffers from being generally kind of boring when The Doctor, Master or Daniel aren't on the screen.

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This was better than episode one, but Jodie Whitaker is just so terrible. Like watching paint dry. No charisma no matter who else is onscreen and she doesn't act like a doctor the way Missy or even River did.

On the plus side, there were a lot of deep references that remind me of Moffat, though they ran through them pretty quickly, so I don't know that this season will have sustained enough themes or not yet.

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and here's the real history (as opposed to the herstory we get in this episode) an hilariously inept spy and a junior assistant credited with something Babbage had done years earlier.

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the writing of this show is so dubious. Where are the emotional stakes! This is dw, the whole of humanity is /always/ under threat, if you don't make us care about specific humans it doesn't exactly matter. the companions & their families are too thin for us to care.

The master just seems inexplicable, which, I guess is a little in line for him, but the whole problem of why he's both desperate for the doctor's attention about gallifrey & yet wants to kill her lol.

Also... the doctors gender. By casting a woman, they want a nb doctor made explicit. but 10's "well just us girls" in fires of pompeii which is just accepted by the priestesses & passes without comment vs 13's "marvellous apparating man, I mean, lady" where the doctor seems more fixated on performing the right gender than the audience does, doesn't really match up to the lack of care the doctor has used with performing their gender previously

here the sequence of events is fine but the execution of all the details falls short and it really lacks that certain spark that turns a show from serviceable to great

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So, are we going to find out the origins of the Time Lords. Interesting..

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How did the Master survive the destruction of the generation ship? Who cares. How did the Master go from being ready to die with their friend to fighting the Doctor? Who cares. Why is the Master suddenly trying to outright kill his friend of two millennia? Who cares—certainly not the writers.

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A very poor season opener, first half was bad, this second episode has some good bits but some other very cringey scenes (laser shoes, ok for a laugh, not for several uses).
The return of the Master was a good surprise, but poor writing in general made this double episode boring

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If you could extract the Black Mirror retread part of the plot, and break some new ground instead, you might have an interesting episode here. Sadly this was not the case.

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WTF the lazer shoe parts are terrible. Who came up with this shit and why didn't anyone stop it! Not impressed with the new series, but still hoping it'll get better. Or they'll cancel it and get a new show runner and doctor.

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