Imagine that there's a month between watching the first episode and this one. I was SO afraid when I watched that. Like I had to take a pause for the first time after 11 seasons because it was so weird, and I was unsure if I really want to continue or not. Never ever had that doubt since I know and love Doctor Who. The previous season wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. Just there was too much fable and lessons (things the show hadn't had for an awkardly long time, I must say) while the execution failed most of the time. But I very much liked the idea that, after Moffat and all the thrown-out-halfway story arcs, there's a whole universe out there, waiting to be discovered. And now, we are back again. The few things that actually worked in season 11 being forced into the set of sorrounding I thought the show just moved on from after many years. I was afraid already at last years resolution, when Chibnall got pushed to bring back the daleks. Now there's more of the familiar things, just with Chibnall's tone of the last season? That's like, I don't think that would work, at all. Though, I must say, this episode got good? Can it? Or just my expectations were low? I was surprised I liked it, and was happy nonetheless.
Maybe, just maybe, Chibnall can make work his own ideas while he's being pushed to go back to the Moffat way, and ratings still low and people still uncapable of accepting Doctor is played by a woman? He's so much dancing on a thin line, and I so wouldn't be in his place. I root for him. Second episode gives me reason I should. Buckle up.

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