and here's the real history (as opposed to the herstory we get in this episode) an hilariously inept spy and a junior assistant credited with something Babbage had done years earlier.

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@kanootcha Wait what? And what's next? Are you gonna tell me that Hitler was not killed of by River Song? Or that winston churchill never used Daleks? That Vincent Van Goghs Sunflower Picture is not "for Amy" or his cause of madness was not the end of the tardis by the end of times? Well. Guess you are in fact new to television and the way of directional freedom and writers liberty. Just a hint: this is NOT a Noor Inayat Khan Biography or something with the goal to get things shown as they were. This Show NEVER was - except for the concept prior to the first season... ditched over 50 years ago. Glad this finally reaches you.... now have fun, just a mild spoiler: Hitler might not have been killed of in a france Cinema, even though Inglourious Bastards showed it, and a Fridge might not help against a nuclear bomb... but who am I to tell you this, you might up ending up downwoting and correcting those movies next...

@zerbsama i'm down-voting 'cause this episode was crap (but that's par for the course with all doctor who, even before the SJW brigade took it over, I only watched it for the lols...which have been few and far between now that it's taking itself so horribly seriously).
I provided links for the actual people in the episode, because they're people who the run of the mill punter wouldn't have a clue about (as opposed to Churchill and Hitler who every lefty worth their salt already knows and hates with a passion).
And I'm making fun of women specifically because it's not allowed nowadays in media, general discourse or the censorious comment sections of internet forums and I like to be different instead of a dull, humorless, drone (plus it's fun watching the defenders of all morality and taste have a hissy fit in response).
Oh, and thanks for the lecture on fiction...I think I get it now. Fiction is stuff made up by writers, fact is stuff made up by historians and scientists. (this is a joke, I'm sure I don't have to condescendingly lecture you on what one of those is)
Just so you get the point of my first post. I wasn't critiquing the 'directional freedom and writer's liberty' (hahahahaha) of the episode, I was questioning the pathetic cringy obvious SJW message that has been ham-fistedly rammed into this and almost every other episode of the Capaldi/Whitaker run. The writers have the right to write this crap and I have the right to call it what it is (but on this website I have to couch it in terms that won't get my comment taken down. My first comment was an effort to do this...this one...not so much).
