This episode really felt disjointed, it was really jarring.

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Remember that scene from the Half-Blood Prince when Harry forces Dumbledore to drink that cursed liquid to get to the locket? And after every glassful Dumbledore screams "Please stop!" and "Kill me!" to which Harry keeps replying "Just one more, just one more!"?

Yeah. That's how it feels just watching each new Chibnall episode knowing Davies is on the horizon.

What a travesty.

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Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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I will be so glad when Chibnall is no longer attached to Doctor Who

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Well, that's an hour of my life I'm never getting back...

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Having sleeping issues? No worries, just start watching this episode and you will fall asleep within 10 minute. I’ve tried watching this 3 times and I just can’t make it till the end, I give up…

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wow! The basic idea is pretty good but the execution is terrible. lots of hard cuts and poor editing that breaks up the flow. The acting of the main cast is terrible as are most of the rest. Some nice sets and costumes but awful cg that kills the sense of threat.

Problems in this episode are solved in 3ways either half thought solution, exposition dump or running away. I think this is the norm for this doctor which is getting really old.

Exposition is often nonsensical and kind of amounts to a spell intended to make the audience think the characters are geniuses. they aren't and rather than showing that we are just told they are.

Plenty of action happens but is any of it memorable (apart from goofy action shots)? Doctor who has been a show where people are excited to share ideas and talk with admiration about episodes for years. This isn't one of them. Rather it's a collection of ideas that someone thought was cool, and Hail Marys to fix the current problem.

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This will be the episode that leaves Chibnall fans feeling like the rest of us for once xD

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And right after a decent episode in Eve of the Daleks, we're right back to our regularly scheduled Chris Chibnall programming.

It's extremely easy to tell where the CGI budget went: the Sea Devil ship, the scene on the ocean floor, and the sea monster (which was given nothing to do). In contrast, the lightning effects from the Sea Devil swords were laughable, and I've seen better greenscreen effects in student films. I don't have any confirmation, but if the Sea Devils themselves are a mix of CGI and practical suits, then they're the best special effects in this whole episode.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end with the CGI. The story doesn't kick in until halfway through the episode (if you could call that a story), and the editing was noticeably bad. It's especially apparent in the action scenes, where they constantly cut around the action, even forgetting certain insert shots. And I thought this in the last episode as well, but I'm not sure the romantic tension between the Doctor and Yaz has been earned.

This special is about as watchable as a lot of Chris Chibnall's past episodes. It's not very engaging or well put together at all.

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This is possibly (probably) an unpopular opinion, but I found it to be a decent episode with ebbs and flows of the usual auspicious and melancholic feelings that always come as we move closer to another regeneration. The acting is fine, story is clear, it's a lovely reintroduction of a very old Doctor Who villain, costumes are alright, set looks good... might have focused more on the regular cast and given a bit less screen time to the guests, nothing is ever flawless, but this episode fits quite nicely in the Whoniverse.

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After watching this I want to apologise for shit talking the season 13 finale.

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The ratings for this one are really harsh, but it's not nearly as bad as some episodes from Tennant's era that were utterly horrible, but rated higher. This was actually a fun watch with interesting villains. I will be sad to see Thirteen go, I feel she deserved more time on the show.

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watch it on Dailymotion:

8 out of 10...obviously I'm a fan, and, I measure these stories against my idea of my thirteen year old sensibilities (though I'm technically sixty). I'm glad the Doctor addressed the eliphant in the room, and I'm sad if what we saw signals a coming regen.

Jodi's just as capable as any of her male counterparts, and I've been watching since Tom Baker (plus several earlier movies on, "Creature Feature," double-headers when I was nine years old -- those were from the sixties).

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Maybe Chibnall should watch Emison.

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The nonsense exposition of this show is so bad. It's so sad this is the send off Jodie is getting. I can't wait for Chris Chibnal to stop writing these.

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Pirate adventure! It’s fun when a Classic Monster comes back. Pretty self-contained story with loads of emotional baggage. Finally Yaz’s feelings towards the Doctor were properly addressed.

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This was not good - a story like this needs more - more of everything - but mostly more time to tell the story properly (better writing). This is when I miss the Doctor Who stories from 50 years ago.
There are so many plotholes in this one tho and worst of all there is one HUGE plothole that is simply unforgivable.
So very glad Chibnall is out of there.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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This is simply awful from start to finish. Move over Chibnal - Your writing sucks.

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