Chibnall is a hit-and-miss storyteller, but I am going to give him some brownie points for not shying away from Yaz falling in love with Thirteen and vice versa. I never in a million years expected it to actually happen, so the last couple of specials were a pleasant surprise. I really liked the scene on the beach (callback to TenRose?). It felt very Broadchurch-y to me, which is a good thing.

That "coming soon" preview at the end of the episode really hit me in the feels. Perhaps I'm in the minority (but then again, my favorite Doctor/companion duo is Twelve and Clara, so maybe I'm just cursed to always have unpopular opinions when it comes to this show), but I will miss Jodie dearly. I really love her Doctor. I'm sure I'll like whoever replaces her, but I expect there will be lots of ugly crying on my part when it's time to say goodbye to her.

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@aniela-krajewska literally the only thing I found interesting about this episode was the stuff that involved the development of the main characters. Didn't give a crap about the main story lol.

That said I think it's a little weird waiting to explore the yaz/doctor thing this late into 13's story, when there won't really be any time to develop that part of their characters much (unless yaz manages to stick around but I doubt that). I'm still glad they allowed the show to explore it, but still.

@morphinapg honestly i do wish they had explored it earlier, but it is consistent with the previous doctor/companion romances (rose didn't get to say i love you to ten until after they were separated, clara and twelve only got to have a conversation after she died - still bitter that convo happened off-screen). There's never enough time, it always runs out too quickly, just like thirteen said in this ep. Those relationships are doomed from the start. Ngl the inherent tragedy of it all has me weak

@aniela-krajewska Rose and Ten definitely had a lot more developing their relationship throughout their run though. There was even some elements of it building with Nine.

@morphinapg true, tenrose got a lot of couply moments during their time together, but they never really talked about their feelings in a straightforward manner (at least not that i can remember) until the beach. Yaz and Thirteen could've had more development for sure, but i liked that unlike most doctor who pairings they actually got to discuss their feelings and that Thirteen was transparent about how she felt cause her previous incarnations rarely got to be so honest

@aniela-krajewska Trying not to use the word dopamine, so it might a bit, but: If you love something you can forgive a lot...? And, obverse: If ya ain't feelin' it, you can only be a critic.

I share your opinions, although I'm not as aware of the differences in story-telling styles (yet, I hope). And, I'm feelin' it.

I want Jodi around for at least as long as Tom Baker was.

Jodie is great. Every modem doctor has been well acted and fun to watch. It’s the writing that has been the problem 99% of the time.
