And right after a decent episode in Eve of the Daleks, we're right back to our regularly scheduled Chris Chibnall programming.

It's extremely easy to tell where the CGI budget went: the Sea Devil ship, the scene on the ocean floor, and the sea monster (which was given nothing to do). In contrast, the lightning effects from the Sea Devil swords were laughable, and I've seen better greenscreen effects in student films. I don't have any confirmation, but if the Sea Devils themselves are a mix of CGI and practical suits, then they're the best special effects in this whole episode.

Unfortunately, it doesn't end with the CGI. The story doesn't kick in until halfway through the episode (if you could call that a story), and the editing was noticeably bad. It's especially apparent in the action scenes, where they constantly cut around the action, even forgetting certain insert shots. And I thought this in the last episode as well, but I'm not sure the romantic tension between the Doctor and Yaz has been earned.

This special is about as watchable as a lot of Chris Chibnall's past episodes. It's not very engaging or well put together at all.

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