I took my sweet time watching this after the total disappointment of the Season 12 finale, essentially butchering the whole show.

This episode cut a lot of Season 12's preaching bullshit (well, except for the comment about being imprisoned for being her maybe - but that was subtle, so I can live with that).

The Episode would have been good and fun if Chibnail could have just let us forget about his fuckup and not warm it up halfway through the special.

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One of the best episodes with Jodie Whittaker. Since it feels more like Doctor Who and is not all preachy.

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Shout by JC

The Daleks were a side attraction, really. The big appeals of this special are:

  1. Captain Jack. Please, please, please bring him back for more. If any companion could be the Brigadier of new Who, it's him, and he injects a shot of life into every scene he's in. He and Whittitaker are very charming together too.
  2. The companion talk. Ryan's farewell is built up very well, and Yaz's fear of being left behind is a real nice character beat for a character who needs more. The Doctor's conflict and falling into old habits of trying to hide how she's feeling is great too, and everyone in the cast is on their A game.

There's little things holding it back- the Daleks are just fine, why didn't the Doctor drop off or knock out and tie up the business guy who's obviously going to make things worse- but on the whole a good special and a promising start to the next series.

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The only good part of this episode was Jack. Everything else was quite boring. The show keeps getting more PC each time around. Nothing wrong with that but the writers do it at the expense of what made this show great.

I know I’ll keep watching but wish the show would improve.

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Bit lacklustre return... but I didn't hate it... didn't love it either... guess it was alright... gonna miss the fam.

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Loved the return of Jack. But other than that: just meh.

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Very satisfying emotionally. But, I'm a sucker for that sort of thing.
I really didn't think, from the title, you know, but....

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