Happy 2021, everyone!

It feels like it's been 10 years and not 10 months since the finale of series 12. 2020 has really messed with my perception of time. The Doctor's prison routine hit a little too close to home for me as it was uncomfortably reminiscent of my life in lockdown - just endless identical days wearing the same clothes and talking to myself.

I would've been happy if the entire episode had just been the Doctor and Jack getting in trouble together. John and Jodie were instantly iconic from the first scene they shared. I love the love that Jack has for the Doctor, no matter the reincarnation. Another duo I quite enjoyed was Jack and Yaz, especially their conversation about the joy of traveling with the Doctor being worth the pain of having to say goodbye.

Ryan and Graham leaving was surprising to me. I liked their final scene with the bike, that was a nice callback to the beginning of series 11.

Yaz seems to continue the trend of female companions fancying the Doctor (with the exception of Donna, of course, and I guess Bill but that could be disputed since she would most certainly fancy Thirteen). Gays in space is what we deserve in 2021.

Oh, and there were Daleks and some dude channeling Trump. I don't know, didn't really pay attention much when Jack and the Doctor weren't interacting. My attention span is shot to hell. I liked the things that I did pay attention to though.

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