"Doctor Who" used to be my favourite show a couple of years ago, I was crazy about the series but it gradually started to bore me, especially after Capaldi stepped down as the Doctor, and my enthusiasm for the series totally vanished. I watched all the new episodes with Whitaker but more out of nostalgia for once loved franchise than because I really enjoyed these specific stories. I am not very fond of Whitaker's Doctor, though I am not sure whether she is a worse Doctor than her predecessors or if I've just outgrown the show and it is simply to childish for me. I have fond memories of the previous Doctors, but I am not really much interested in the new episodes. This story turned out to be quite enjoyable, though. I had lots of fun watching it, but also some longing for the older times when I really loved the show. Now I feel rather lukewarm about Doctor Who. It is a bit of a pity that both Graham and Ryan left the Tardis, since I liked these characters much better than Yaz and the Doctor. Though I definitely understand their reasons for leaving the Tardis, as I feel the same way myself.

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