Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2021-04-04T07:55:15Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:10:09Z

"Me am also America."

I'm glad we got a Diane episode because I felt really disconnected from her after all of BoJack's drama. BoJack, being Diane's friend, is great; their interactions are adorable! It's interesting to see him as a background character in his own show, too, as he and Diane try to come to terms with their friendship. I like the callbacks to the previous episode and earlier scenes—that non-linear structure is crazy—and I appreciate the checklist; it makes the episode a lot of fun to watch.

Anyway, I'm going to end it here with this:

"Ok, buddy." — Diane

I can't believe she said that.

SCORE: 8/10

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Nothing particularly interesting happening in this one, but once again a very original narrative structure with the list and the flashbacks. Very nice to have a little of DIane too, she was really neglected the past season. Her little Vietnam adventure is touching, and sad, and relatable. Great job.

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This is one of my favourite episodes of the whole series. It's touching and relatable... I can really feel what Diane is going through and it's sad beyond believe... And so true. I love how they can capture such a sad story with so much ease and yet, in the end, you feel totally overhelmed how it all turned out.

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This had me crying a bit at the end! I feel you, Diane.

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Vietnamese end credits song FTW!

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