finally, I've been waiting for this season for too long! good to have ya back, bojack <3

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Shout by Clobby Clobsters
BlockedParent2021-04-04T06:57:16Z— updated 2021-07-06T05:10:31Z

BoJack is working on that alcohol addiction; noice!

Yeah, this one is all good—not much to say here!

I didn't appreciate Todd's insecurities about his unemployment, but I'm glad after seeing how they handled it. BoJack's entanglement with Flip is weird, but I guess we'll just have to move on from that. Anyway, I enjoyed this one, nothing to complain about but nothing to praise either; it's just a solid 7/10—yay. Take that crappy stuff I've had to watch! Well, I guess I'll see you around—yeah.

SCORE: 7/10

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If this new movie is gonna be the main story of the season it could be interesting. Picked randomly by PC just for the name, the whole thing is probably very shitty. Makes no sense that the script guy is also director here but I guess that's easier for the story. His interactions with Bojack plus the fact that the character is so close to Bojack could lead to interesting stuff.

Diane and Mr Peanutbutter are divorcing. Probably a good source of stories too.

Princess Carolyn wants to adopt. It's a little weird that they just toss Ralph out like this. They totally could have made up after that. I mean she threw a scene because he was suggesting they do that, so... Not sure it leads to enough material for a season long story though.

Todd is dating, but not sure it will last. Wants to make an app, meh. Is a top brass at a movie studio. I'm not seeing anything interesting here.

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Loved how they remembered Ralph Carney in this episode's opening.

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So freaking happy that Bojack and the gang are back!

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