There's so much chemistry between Georgina Campbell (Amy) and Joe Cole (Frank) it cracks the screen.

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ok let me see if i got this right: the couple are meant to rebel against the system? that's how they prove they're a perfect match? pretty lovely and heartwarming episode, that universe does seem pretty unidimensional again, but the couple had chemistry and it was a good watch

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So far that's the best episode of season 4 for me, but unfortunately that doesn't say much because I really dislike season 4. For some reason it feels like they had different writers - The ideas are okay (though usually feel recycled), but the stories always have so much more potential.

I did like this episode, but I'm not a big fan of the ending to be honest. I interpreted the whole episode as just a simulation that happens inside the app and it calculates your compatibility with other users, but it's just that - A simulation inside an app. None of these events or relationships happened in real life, and Frank and Amy don't even know about them. And that's what threw me off and what I disliked.

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Shout by Deleted

Awesome, very heartfelt. Makes me wonder about the two simulations where they did not rebel.

Such a creative take on dating and relationships. I wish I had an app that was that good, though the morality of putting virtual mes through 1000 simulations and then deletion (?) is questionable.

Also, is it me or do all the main couples in Black Mirror have at least one white person? The only couple of color I saw was in Crocodile, and, you know...

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Loved it up until the ending. It had so much going for it, and then it kind of hit a wall. This episode may be the poster child for my biggest problem with Black Mirror: I want to learn so much about the lore in these little worlds, and we just get so little. The stories are amazing, but the depth is just lacking. All of these little half-films would truly benefit by being feature-length.

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Gg..what a twist. Very creative and has nothing to do with hanging a DJ lol. Fav epi so far

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I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry, I'm not gonna cry.

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I wasn't expecting that one...
But I liked it...

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machine learning internal data visualisations be like

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Good episode
But Noway as good
or better than
"San Junipero"
which is a flawless Masterpiece and the
Best episode of the entire show.
The best episode of
season 4 is definitely
The USS Callister
that was perfect pacing
a bloody good story
and so much fun.
Hang the DJ
was a sweet story
with an interesting twist
but not mind blowing
and definitely nothing
we haven't seen before.

I don't need to say
Which episode did
this story better,
To Perfection you
might say.
(Who Knew Heaven
Was A Place On Earth).

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Really liked the story and a great soundtrack.

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As a sci-fi episode it's OK. Even with the double-bluff the finale of the episode resorts to the usual sci-fli cliche. It's not really clever, not suspensful, nor is it an emotional roller-coaster.

What makes the episode really works is treating it as a drama-comedy: the charming chemistry between the two leads - unlike San Junipero - and how the subject matter of the episode is something that relates to its intended audience. An automated dating system until we find the perfect match. Would we want that? The episode doesn't ask the question, but you can't not ponder that yourself as the credit rolls.

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One of my favourite endings of all time. Can't stop thinking about it.

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Yeah good one, the best episode in season five.

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"Hang the DJ" ha ha

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Thank God, a happy episode.

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For a show that's so dark and distressing, but sometimes get episodes like this one. One of the sweetest stories from this f**ked up anthology series.

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So much mind blowing and unexpected with great perfomances.8.0/10

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Favourite episode so far. Lot of chemistry between the two main characters.

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I wish this technology exist for real. Favorite episode of this season.

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Amazing episode, learning machine in all its glory!

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Probably my favourite Black Mirror episode. The main actors' chemistry is just amazing!

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Did not surprise me that Tim Van Patten showed up in the end credits. Everything he touches turns to gold and this is definitely one of the best episodes of Black Mirror. It doesn't follow the usual conventions in Black Mirror of technology ruining their lives, in fact it's the opposite but they showed at the same time how it could. If the matching system did not turn out to be a simulation it would have but they decided to tie it into real life with the dating app reality Such a solid episode with solid acting, writing, and directing. I also love how The Smiths song gave the ending even more of a potency.

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Funny thing, I was dating a girl for almost a year, then we broke up, we went back together and things didn't work very well. She moved to another city, then I did, not knowing she was there and now we are dating again. Kinda felt like I'm living on this episode. And yes, she dated more than me in the time we were not dating us.

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One of the best episodes, I liked it.
This one technology I wish it exists, so we don't have to waste our time and break our hearts with idiots!

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FINALLY, this was my favorite episode! Hands down! Don't get the title though, LOL! I want to watch a full-length movie with Amy & Frank! NOW!

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Lovely episode. I wasn't sure about it throughout, but the ending redeemed it all.

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For a show that's so dark and distressing, but sometimes get episodes like this. One of the sweetest stories from this f**ked up anthology series.

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Somewhat remiscent of Season 3s San Junipero, a love story with a twist.

A welcome return to form in Season 4 as it has been very hit and miss so far. A love story of sorts, very well done with good performances in the main cast and excellent chemistry with the main protagonists.

It can only be described as Tindr writ large, but is an interesting take none the less. Love Life is pre-destined and because of that is rather unsatisfactory. But I won't spoil it except San Junipero was more satisfying in some ways.

In common with the season it is very well done, and thankfully more like Black Mirror should be.

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I am a sucker for a happy ending in the Black Mirror universe.

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I'm in love with the shape of you.

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The best episode of the season. This episode saved this fourth season.

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A terrible ending to an otherwise great episode.

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I absolutely loved this episode.

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Great episode. An interesting story made even better by terrific casting. I was rooting for them all the way.

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So... this episode is the San Junipero of this season?

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Such a fitting song to end this episode.... LOL....

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Anyone else reminded of the Cupid and Psyche myth when he couldn’t resist looking at the expiration date, and that cost him the perfect relationship? I liked the chemistry between the actors, and the fact that their real world counterparts were actually a variation on the couple we’d come to know...

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This was the best episode of the season by far. It really put forward a great "What if...?" while also delivering really good characters for you to connect with. Highlight episode in a fairly mediocre season that could've been much more.

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This episode is absolutely gorgeous.

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Everything happens for a reason.

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The Smiths tho :D
I'm in love.

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Damn, I need to find a girl just like she! She’s funny and amazing!

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This episode is what Black Mirror means to me.. This is the one what difference is for me! Otherwise it would be the same all the episodes and seasons I’ve been watching instead of Black Mirror. A very unique subject and that made me excited. The worst part was the recalibrating part ;( Unfortunately, we, humans, are the prisoners of our thoughts and instead of leaving them, we are trying to directing them.. This episode is telling this. “Everyting’s happening for a reason”.

And that ending was...omg! Priceless!!

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WAIT... Was that a happy ending???!!!! Good episode, back to what makes the series interesting; it makes you think. This episode should have been the season premier.

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Brb gonna find a cute guy whom I can sing "I am going to see your dick" to, laugh about it with, and make-out with him aftewards.

Ugh this episode was amazing holy fuck.

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I liked this one, the casting was spot on, and the script opened up for loads of interpretations of technology and 'free thinking'. Still, it's a quite expected episode. Still, on the whole, it's quite lovely. I wonder if both Morrissey and Marr ok'ed the use of a Smiths track...

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Favorite of the season. Even more than "San Junipero", this really depends on the two leads' chemistry since the plotting and world-building are not as sublime as that one, but they sell both roles wonderfully.

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proper Black Mirror episode! reminded of The Lobster

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This episode did such a good job of keeping me wondering what the hell this world was. Some dystopian future where everything is decided by the system?

About the time she became fixated on the skipping stones I was sure it was a simulation (big fan of Person of Interest). Was unsure of the end goal though. A societal conditioning thing? Right before the reveal I was sure it was a relationship test couples go through. Then bam, glorified OK Cupid/Tinder style algorithm. Brilliant.

The two mains had great chemistry and really enjoyed the ride of this episode.

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20/10 definitly this episode was the best

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Nice story. That was an interesting unfolding and ending. Well done.

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Shout by Deleted

Thank god this isn't real Lol and we can end things when we want to. Nightmare indeed.. a self dictating tinder

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Definitely my favourite of this season so far!

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Episode's Philip K. Dickian in nature

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This episode blow my mind. Wow!

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I really liked this one, might be my favorite so far this season. It's nice to have one episode that ends happy and doesn't rip your heart out.

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