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Arrested Development 2003

This show was great, funny, elite until Netflix came and ruined it by make it less funny and just worse overall. Should have just ended the show once Fox cancelled it cause they ruined such a great show

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Lindsay, what have you done...

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Because of the first 3 seasons being genuinely some of the funniest, clever yet subtle writing for a sitcom ever, I can’t not give it a 10/10. The 4th season (22 episode version) Is honestly still a great season, though not at amazing as the first 3 (I blame Netflix) It still kept a lot of the running jokes that I loved, brought one of my favorite aspects of the show (The way that characters cross paths/their storylines overlap without them realizing), and was all around creatively a really good addition with the budget they had and again..Netflix. The 5th season…let’s just say I really honestly can’t remember most of it, it’s a pretty bad addition to a show with such an awesome legacy. Had very few moments that I could get a laugh out of, otherwise yeah…it was pretty bad. I also really dislike Dermot Mulroney as an actor because I’ve just never seen him In a role that I enjoy, Dusty (?) was the worse edition to the show. But overall I have to rate in 10/10 because the first 3 seasons are honestly perfection.

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... everything they do is so dramatic and flamboyant. It just makes me want to set myself on fire!

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Fourth season was a bit of a disappointment, but it was nice to see these characters again.

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The first three seasons are some of the best television I've witnessed. Season 4 removes the comedy and tries to focus on the wrong things. Season 5 has its ups and downs but it's good to see some of the chatacters are still funny.

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One of the best shows ever! Hilarious, smart, and just fantastic......apart from season 4
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Shout by kluka

in case you got confused, here is a timeline of season4

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Shout by kluka

Who wants to join the church of the Holy Eternal Rupture?

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LOVE this show.. has to be one of my all-time favourite shows. The writing is insane and the acting matches it perfectly. 11/10

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FOX really doesn't know their TV Shows do they? How do you cancel something with such incredible writing?!

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Watched straight through all episodes so that I'd remember everything from the original series. Funny show with lots and lots of high quality comedy.

Probably not worth re-watching ever but I think that if I did then there would be new jokes that I didn't catch this last time around. I've just seen the first 3 seasons too many times already to re-watch again at this point.

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Shout by Reticent
BlockedParent2022-09-13T12:59:29Z— updated 2022-11-14T19:02:50Z

It was a pretty good show for the first 3 seasons, 8/10. Despite being canceled after Season 3, it was a rather fitting ending for the show. However, it went downhill after that. With seasons 4 and 5, I wanted to finish them as soon as possible rather than enjoy each episode when I was nearing the end. And the ending was pretty disappointing.

Pro-tip: Don't bring a TV show back after it ends many years later. Don't pull a Prison Break situation.

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Netflix: I think Season 5 is gonna be the show's best season ever!
Ron Howard: It wasn't.

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We need Season 4 Remix: Fateful Consequences!!! Can someone make adjustments please?

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Best callbacks in a show ever. The writers want their viewers to think and if you're too slow they don't care

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I watched the initial run of this show years ago, when it initially aired. And not entirely in order, I don’t think. It’s been so long that I don’t know that I can do it justice in a review. It’s a classic comedy that managed to create its own style that I’m sure has been emulated in later shows, though I haven’t seen enough network comedies since to know.

The fourth season is a little more hit and miss than the original, but the format is pretty neat and it has its moments. It’s not so weak that it ruins the memory of the original seasons, and I think in retrospect we may look at it as something pretty novel.

2018: I have yet to watch the 5th season and no desire to as far as I can figure.

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What an odd show to talk about. The first three seasons are generally agreed to be some fantastic comedy, but the two revival seasons are… complicated. Season 4 seemed alright at first, and I got some good laughs from it, but I slowly started to realize while watching that I did not love this show as much as I had previously. It’s a shame, because even though the first 3 seasons never got much traction while initially airing, they’ve gained a cult following over the years, and it’s a shame that the fourth and fifth seasons had to tarnish that legacy. Even so, they aren’t so terrible that I lower the overall ranking that much. I still think this series is worth a solid 8/10 stars.

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I dropped this before season 4 because of the bad ratings but man s4 was maybe the BEST season why all that hate and if not the best I find the las two in the same level as the original ones

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I don't know why, but it was not my series. Not my sense of humor probably

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I would personnally put Arrested Development in the same vein as Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt : it's a comedy but I just don't laugh or find it very funny. It's clever and quick witted and I enjoy that in a way that I can't stop watching. Also, this is a more dysfunctional family than the one in Malcolm and that's just saying quite a lot.

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This is my favorite TV show ever. At least the first 2-3 seasons. Obviously the later seasons are literally bad and I can't follow them at all but for some reason that makes it really funny to me cuz nothing makes sense. Jean Parmesean is so funny to me.

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What a mess with S4 episodes, 22 on netflix and here 15 + 3 on the specials...

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Why they haven't changed the status "Ended"
It is ended and not coming back. Please change the status for God sake.

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Wish the list would be updated. Shows every season twice so it’s hard to Mark where you are

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Wish the list would be updated. Shows every season twice so it’s hard to Mark where you are

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Season 4 remix has been added, but I would have removed the original cut... I don't see the point in having two seasons 4...

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Shout by JD Lynn

The netflix season was by far the worst but I kept watching to find out how everything would be connected. When it ended, I'm sure I wasn't the only one disappointed by the cliffhanger. They better make a follow-up to address the unanswered questions after I spent so much time watching that bullshit of a final season. The first two seasons were golden though. I didn't really care for the third season and the running British gag.

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where do I add the remix of season 4!? not seeing it in search results, watching them now....SO STOKED!!!!!!

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i hated will arnett until i saw this series and now i am in love with him

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Come on May 26th!!

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All 14 new episodes of Season 4 are being released at the same time in May. Each episode focuses on a particular character and can be watched in any order... not sure what I make of that yet. No overarching story?

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It's been gone a while; sometimes that can mean it takes a little bit to find itself again. Hopefully not the case here, it doesn't have that much time.

Hopefully the movie will bring it all to a satisfying close and cap off something that was truly unique.

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Shout by Alex

Oh god. I'm really happy that I gave this show another chance. After stopping in the middle of the first season like a year ago when I tried to watch it the first time since I didn't really enjoy the humour, I gave it another chance a few weeks ago. While I still do not really like the first season, it gets awesomely hilarious in the second and esp. third season. I hope they can keep this going when Netflix brings it back in a few months time, it's still wondrous that they happened to bring it back from the dead and even with the whole original cast re-united. Can't wait!

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Shout by Deleted

Chicken dance, enough said!

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@karthikb351 It was too smart for audiences.

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Shout by Deleted

Next show to watch... Good feedback

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Shout by Deleted

Fourth season is good. Not as great as previous three and I'm not really happy with some changes, but the way they told the story was somehow brilliant and complex. And of course this season requires a serious rewatch.

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Such an interesting ensemble, witty script and crazy story line. A young Cera shines and solidifies his niche in the Indie style.

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I loved season 4. Even with all the constrictions on money and scheduling the actors they managed to achieve a hilarious extension on the original seasons. Super enjoyed it!

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Once of the best shows, I missed it.

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This was one of those shows I had been intending to watch for sometime now but never got around to it. Well finally got started and pretty much just did an Arrested Development Marathon and loved it. Smart and funny. A ton of fun.

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Unpopular opinion but Michael is my least favorite character...and also happens to be the lead. I have rewatched my favorite episodes a a ridiculous amount of times when I want something in the background...and I always imagine how much better it would be without Michael. The strength of this show is from the whole family's antics and characters that I'm grasping for any episodes lighter on Michael as the main/lead: for example, Motherboy XXX is one of my top 5 episodes and also happens that Michael is in the background even though he's present because he's following other people when he was trailing after Buster (when they were sneaking into the ballroom) and Michael kept tripping behind him and getting the door in his face.

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To be clear, I rate this show a 7 cause season 4 is that bad. If seasons 4 and 5 didn't exist, this would be a 9

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Worst comedy series I have seen. Their were only a couple of funny moments. Stopped watching in season 4. It’s so bad man.

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Watched in summer of 2013

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Shout by Deleted

Great show. Smart, sharp comedy that you might miss if you're not paying attention.

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It's not over yet.

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Shout by Deleted

Storyline was wonderful and it wasn't as forced as it is in many of the new comedy shows. It had a certain flow that had the audience invested in each character. Unfortunately this critically acclaimed hilarious TV series was ruined by Netflix hitting you over the head with some of their inside "jokes" and snarky comments. There's so many things that are wrong with that last season, I cant begin to explain that god awfulness.

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Shout by Deleted

Loved the show, but i had to give it a 6 do to the over-hyped superstar status of it... Just to keep the balance you know :) its good but its not THAT good...

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Shout by Deleted

Season 4 is a bit too weak imo.

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Shout by Deleted

Well, it's not what i expected! it's still a good show though. and i've lol'd a lot at GOB's hilarious chicken dance! D:

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Shout by Deleted

One of the best sitcoms ever.

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Shout by Deleted

I can't wait for the new episodes. Netflix is my hero!

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Shout by Deleted

Can't wait for the new season!

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Yay, 10 new episodes and a movie as Jason Bateman announced last night on twitter!

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favourite comedies along with: Californication, Parks and Recreation, Curb your Enthusiasm, The IT Crowd, The Mighty Boosh, Seinfeld.

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season 1 great, season 2 great, season 3 decent, season 4 completely unwatchable
FUCK fanboys

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Shout by Nighteyye
BlockedParent2021-12-28T15:53:34Z— updated 2022-01-01T21:03:21Z

new seasons are really just disappointing

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A fairly fresh and innovative sitcom from the early-mid 2000's, with humor that still works well today. The first three seasons are very good, if not classics outright. The casting is superb and the constant jokes and puns make each episode fairly rich and complex. The storylines are generally enjoyable, with a few exceptions. Unfortunately, this show was cancelled at its peak and never quite recovered with its revival seasons, losing its humor, grace, and clever wit in the process. I couldn't keep watching a version of the show that was obviously forced and of lower quality, but the first run will live on in my memory as worthwhile, premium comedy.

(+) Great cast with diverse character writing
(+) Very creatively funny, with crazy scenarios and awesome joke deliveries and continuity
(+) Shot fairly well despite being 20+ years old, and smart editing ups the humor potential
(=) Solid mix of storylines, though not all of them excel
(-) Bad revival of series with boring story, lazy jokes, and low quality

Final Verdict: 7.52/10 (Great)

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What's happened to Lindsay's face?

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this 10/10 rating is only for the first three seasons

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this show was not popular, big bang theory in number one in ratings!! 'MURICA 'MURICA

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I already knew about the movie but not that they were gonna revive the tv show, that is great news!

Arrested Development is one of the best comedy tv shows ever made. It fits perfectly in the short list of legendary tv shows like Seinfeld, The Big Bang Theory, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Fawlty Towers and 'Allo 'Allo!. The script is very well thought and there lots of hidden jokes within the script if you think it through. For everyone whose level of understanding comedy is above bathroom jokes and slapstick this is a great tv show to watch.

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Best comedy ever!

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Shout by Deleted

Because FOX execs are idiots

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There is NO TOUCHING the genius of this show!

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Having just finished season one I can easily say this is one of my favourite comedies. Love it!

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Great series. A ridiculous, fourth-wall-breaking-satire that manages to poke fun at both the watcher and itself simultaneously.

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Shout by Deleted

i'm glad it's back

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Shout by Deleted

Loved this show but certain episodes got a bit like-for-like, none the less, still funny!

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The humor is a bit off-kilter, which is what makes it so fantastic and so beloved. The most-recent Netflix season (after years of being gone) isn't great, but there's talk about the show coming back for another season now, considering they figure it's timely for a show about a "narcissistic, erratically behaving family...and their desperate abuses of power." Ahem.

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And lots of people don't get stuff like A.D. - those who do are probably a bad demographic for whatever crap they're trying to sell :(
Damn shame, top show!

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love this series

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if you like this check out call me fitz. sort of the same plot.

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i watched a tiktok that said arrested development had to trick fox into getting the three seasons they had in the original run and tbh i can understand that because this did not deserve the three seasons it got!

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My wife and I heard about the new season(s) and thought we'd check it out from season 1, since we had never watched this highly-rated cult-classic before. We gave it 3 episodes and had to stop. It just was not funny at all. A couple of small "chuckles" here and there left us sorely disappointed and we gave up. Maybe it was funny "back in the day", but it doesn't seem to have aged very well. I'm happy for the fans getting a revival, but, if you've never watched it before, you may not want to start now.

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I couldn’t get past the first season, the whole family is so stupid and terrible with their money. It stresses me out how bad they are with their money.

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First two seasons are probably the finest comedy I have seen

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Shout by Deleted

A punch in the face of hilarity.

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Shout by Deleted

Pretty good

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A seal with a bow tie. Enough said.

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Shout by Deleted

Thank goodness Netflix is bringing this show back. It's seems like so many well written smart comedies get missed because the network expects too much from them. Not every show needs 6-8 million viewers.

I'm sure, like me, the fans are all choking at the bit for the new season.

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