Because of the first 3 seasons being genuinely some of the funniest, clever yet subtle writing for a sitcom ever, I can’t not give it a 10/10. The 4th season (22 episode version) Is honestly still a great season, though not at amazing as the first 3 (I blame Netflix) It still kept a lot of the running jokes that I loved, brought one of my favorite aspects of the show (The way that characters cross paths/their storylines overlap without them realizing), and was all around creatively a really good addition with the budget they had and again..Netflix. The 5th season…let’s just say I really honestly can’t remember most of it, it’s a pretty bad addition to a show with such an awesome legacy. Had very few moments that I could get a laugh out of, otherwise yeah…it was pretty bad. I also really dislike Dermot Mulroney as an actor because I’ve just never seen him In a role that I enjoy, Dusty (?) was the worse edition to the show. But overall I have to rate in 10/10 because the first 3 seasons are honestly perfection.

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