Shout by Tonydez415

Arrested Development 2003

A fairly fresh and innovative sitcom from the early-mid 2000's, with humor that still works well today. The first three seasons are very good, if not classics outright. The casting is superb and the constant jokes and puns make each episode fairly rich and complex. The storylines are generally enjoyable, with a few exceptions. Unfortunately, this show was cancelled at its peak and never quite recovered with its revival seasons, losing its humor, grace, and clever wit in the process. I couldn't keep watching a version of the show that was obviously forced and of lower quality, but the first run will live on in my memory as worthwhile, premium comedy.

(+) Great cast with diverse character writing
(+) Very creatively funny, with crazy scenarios and awesome joke deliveries and continuity
(+) Shot fairly well despite being 20+ years old, and smart editing ups the humor potential
(=) Solid mix of storylines, though not all of them excel
(-) Bad revival of series with boring story, lazy jokes, and low quality

Final Verdict: 7.52/10 (Great)

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