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Altered Carbon: Season 1

1x07 Nora Inu

So. The sister is the master! Who would have thought it... where is the police lady?

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Shout by kinky

Sure, we got some backstory on the Kovacs brothers, but a flashback like this stretched to a whole episode made it feel like a filler. For me, this was the least interesting episode since the pilot. I hope the next one gets things moving forward, again.

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I have to say that personally, I like Will Yun Lee's performance as Takeshi Kovacs a lot more.
Joel Kinnaman does a decent job, but he's not that engaging for me.

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The back story!! Well timed, as I was starting to wonder a lot about the envoys and how things came to be. I'm glad they took a full episode for everything. This was easily the best episode so far in my opinion. Answered many questions, while raising many more.

The raw emotion throughout shook me, and I could see it in the actors faces. The scene with the Kovacs hugging and crying by the rocks was so raw and transparent.

And damn, that ending though. Just blew my entire mind.... How???

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That shot circling Tak after the shuttle exploded was one of the most beautiful I've seen in a while

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Poor eposide. Gone off the boil completely.

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The show continues to surprise me in a good way.

This show is in a way not what i thought it would be. It's more focused and less sleazy than i thought, and it often delivers on some of the ethical implications and the weight of the concepts introduced. I like it.

There's some extreme contrivances, but the show is good enough that i don't care too much.

Not everything makes sense, but the storytelling and characters are good enough that i don't care too much.

I disagree with the Envoy leader, and i like the music kinda makes her plan suspicious in regards to the future of humanity going in either direction, allowing you to choose whether you agree or disagree.

The virus part was muddled. How it works, how it was dispersed, why hasn't it worked before.

A very good backstory episode though, and the betrayal and twist with Rae at the end adds an interesting layer. I don't fully like it or buy it, but it's interesting.

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Rewatching it I remember what I hated most about this Episode.

The hipocrisy shown in it.
Quellcrist philosophy is basically: As long as the poorest can't benefit from something, no one should.

The book came out in 2002 - so there is no excuse for it, we already knew that wealth drips through society.
Even the poor have more today than average citizens had a few hundred years ago.

What is even more infuriating is the 100 year limit she wants to impose. That is less than the time some people already live. It would also be cruel - The one merciful thing about death is, that we don't know when it hits us.

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The part where Takeshi and Rei decided to go their own way could've been a bit more convincing. It took them too fast to risk everything in their lives. However the other parts are well made. The consistent theme of life and death that has been brought since first episode is discussed here with some questions and statements that would make you think for a bit. The scenes are cinematic, particularly the part where they circle Takeshi's loss. The twist near the end of the episode is great. Not Altered Carbon's greatest episode but still delivers well.

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Although it was pretty cool action it was flashback hell. Why are Hollycrap so found of that shit?

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Wow! What a terrible episode, I was enjoying the series up to here, but this terrible episode very nearly made me give up. Not give up watching Altered Carbon, but totally give up watching ANY TV ever again.

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The romance between Takeshi and Quell is so beautiful. It’s sad how it all went down, especially now that we know Rei’s part in it. Quell had so much potential, to die like that was awful.

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What a twist! The episode leaves you in some unbelievable state.

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We already know what happened in the forest

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Wait... What? What the fuck?

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Best episode so far! Learning about the past and it could bethe content for a whole standalone movie. Things are definetly speeding up, love it!

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Well told back story. Now we know hot it came about.

"I did it all for you."

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This has been the only episode that I thoroughly enjoyed. I struggle watching most of the episodes. Best of the season so far.

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I like how they came around to the original dialogue by Quellcrist Falconer.

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Oh come fucking on! I was rooting for Rei. She's gonna die, isn't she?

loading replies then she DOES remember and the big reveal doesn't really work, after all? Hm.

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