The back story!! Well timed, as I was starting to wonder a lot about the envoys and how things came to be. I'm glad they took a full episode for everything. This was easily the best episode so far in my opinion. Answered many questions, while raising many more.

The raw emotion throughout shook me, and I could see it in the actors faces. The scene with the Kovacs hugging and crying by the rocks was so raw and transparent.

And damn, that ending though. Just blew my entire mind.... How???

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@d2dyno I personally found it to be the least enjoyable episode. I liked the way they were showing the back story before, through the short flashbacks. I never enjoy it when shows dedicate full episodes to the back story. I'd much rather they just stuck with the shorter flashbacks throughout the episodes. Even still, it was still a great episode, and I'm really enjoying the show thus far.
